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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. .... i have never seen any thing like this before and al i have to say is W T F
  2. Dataanti


  3. how do u change skin colour
  4. STFU
  5. Dataanti


  6. Dataanti

    IP mail to P.O. box 4853 station forces Cold Lake, Alberta ty
  7. Dataanti

    Im sorry

    lol wut....
  8. fesfsa esafsae efasefas aefasefs sefas aefesfaesfes easef
  9. Dataanti

    lo all

    oh y if it isnt YOU!!!!! .... lol wut i JUST WANTED TO SAY HI but NOOOOOO STFU! >.>
  10. lol..... wonders if i can make the biggest post and bypass the post char limit....
  11. again it just keeps adding on to my other post there now it didnt WTF IT DID IT AGAIN MAKE IT STOP PLZ it doesnt even say i edited the post
  12. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? fuzzy peaches has gone crazy???? wtf y did that quick reply add onto the one i just did???
  13. ??????? WTF D:
  14. http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi http://download325.mediafire.com/xtuc28tw2b2g/yvlryhy5lyw/Video+Game+Girl+-+Nerf+Herder%27s+Parry+Gripp+Music+Video.avi
  15. lol me to XD they dont use there blinker lights on the highways
  16. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/090710/oddities/lifestyle_tourism_travel_france_offbeat
  17. Dataanti

    Have you?

    i think im gonna puke so much people here r so nasty
  18. YOU SEEEE beside the blue sig in my wallet it says the day i was born SO YOU JUST GOT TOLD
  19. http://download533.mediafire.com/tldyyaddxtjg/3myaxjnnxzy/100_1418.JPG
  20. DL link? and does it get u banned?
  21. MP3 DL: http://www.mediafire...php?ntgwqtznmji
  22. >.> do i have to hold up a piece of paper and put Dataanti IBM on it and make a :/ face and take a pic and then post it here
  23. YOU BROKE IT XD ha lol i bet it just broke or something, or something you copied onto it jipped it over, i know when i copied Halo CE to my flashdrive off the disk, it thought it was a disk and it got messed over and i had to throw it out cause i couldnt delete it
  24. XD XD XD LOL OMFG ROFL "Corsair" is just the name of the company that made the drive XD so they name it that, you can name it whatever you want just right click and rename lols its fine mine was named like that t EDIT: lols sorry :/ i read it stupid or something I had this problem to before, its has to do with drivers or something software, im pretty sure its drivers
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