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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. incorrect, you will never be banned because of modded GS, it says here http://www.xbox.com/...orecheating.htm read the red part
  2. it does not come in waves and i know this because my friend got GS reset a month ago but i didn't but the second i get my last vidmaster it happens, so there must be a connection. ANNNDDD you dont get banned all you get is a GS reset
  3. any1 got some trials that they dont need .... or if ur super duper rich, a 1 month .... or if ur nuts crazy dirty rich, a 1 year :3 but really trials will do cause I NEED SOME to test out what makes you get banned for certain stuff and methods and a bunch of other stuff. so really a 1 year or month is a waste but trials wont be also one of them is for my new gamer tag and is reserved until the 6th but the rest will be used on different accounts which will help us find out what will get you banned, specifically GS modding, my theory is that achievements like vidmasters will get you banned because they unlock something that is special and it is for online, also online achievments that would normaly be only online and other achiements that is perfectly possible to get offline. also modding them and then making them gold, not modding them while they r gold, a bunch of different test will be done, if one survives then ill use it for the next test i will post the results and the gamertags when i make them DANG oops posted in off topic :/
  4. Dataanti


    lol just noticed the furries O.o also in patricks book and the other one has furries to wtf O.o
  5. umm what is this for? what do they mean?
  6. wtf 2 post?
  7. Dataanti

    5 Minute sigs

    lol u said u were board lol its not so much as a request cause im not gonna use it if u made it, its just something for u to do cause u were board
  8. Dataanti

    5 Minute sigs

    lol forgot to attach again
  9. Dataanti

    5 Minute sigs

    i think the top 1 is pretty sauce what can u do with this
  10. Dataanti


    hmm it would appear that the media youtube thing isnt working
  11. Dataanti


  12. Dataanti


    lol y r people - repping this im not calling any1 anything and its in right forum O.o
  13. Dataanti


    lol who - repped me for something so off topic XD
  14. Dataanti


    i predict 63% will say yes oops forgot to attach
  15. prolly
  16. i never cheated my way to recon, i got all the hard ones fairly
  17. i didnt i got the ODST ones fairly just 1 of the halo3 ones i didnt
  18. if you have modded any VID master achievements in halo3 or ODST then do not get the last one as it results in reset trust me i know
  19. yay some1 made me a picture
  20. no cause the beta has to be made first and no cause the beta is not on the disk and no no no cause its just the way it is and not a lot of people here have ODST only a few so no >.>
  21. aww who -rep me
  23. Dataanti


    MAKE ME A PICTURE Etchasketch.zip
  24. I know theres a law but im not gonna snitch on him, and i know y he had it, it was stole from some1 at school off there school drive XD he just copied an pasted to his flash drive then gave it to me and deleted it off his PC so that his mom doesnt see it cause they share accounts and i was just holding it for evidence so it was a good thing... i think and i think i might have deleted it cause i cant find it unless its hidden :/ then ill never find it
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