Thats like saying throw away everything you have becasue nothing on this earth is permanent. So your saying repairs are a waste of money, then tell me by that thinking inst everything you own a waste of money? owned =-P
Looking for a xbox 360 xenon dev kit, dont care for a sidecar, i want just the dev kit, i have the power brick and all, it just has to run good. aim: itemcentral msn: email:
Peaches still did screw ppl with the whole xbr to freeboot thing, look jtags are ment to do what you want them to do since you bought it. Lol personaly I don't care if some1 goes online with a jtag, because its not mine! It may be a waste of a jtag to you but aparently it isn't to the person who is going online. Also peaches tells me to update my jtag, what am i suposed to think there? Especially when he never replied in the pm when i asked him about it before i posted this....