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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Lewie4

    Modding Films

    it sound like your KV is banned
  2. Thats my account but i never made that thats my friend lee. He sed he wanted to sell something on it so i let him use my account. Here is his email adress -> leedahalo2@hotmail.com. Im still looking for one and im not going to buy his cos i dont trust him that much
  3. Na im ok i have a army of dwarfes with shovels at the ready. Call me up and i'll get them to shovel your driveway
  4. Thats what i thought but i heard you needed to know c++ to skin mod vechile and maps
  5. Lewie4


    21 seems really good so far. I havent seen it all yet but i should hopefully later. It's sort of like Oceans 11 but no robbing its simple maths. They count the cards and win money. They have a code they use to say if the table is hot or not. I recomend you to watch it.
  6. Lewie4

    AI in halo 3

    do you think anyone will ever be able to do it?
  7. I got it off halo wars. Which i got early because i have my sources and i will be making a account with it on tomorrow an i will be posting it here and on my site
  8. i will be posting it on my site first (im not saying it because i dont know if i am allowed to "advertise" but it should be somewhere on my profile) It will be posted in disscussion. Then I will be posting it here after
  9. if people still want them i will be making an accout tomorrow u can download them off
  10. i will be making a account with on tomorrow with them os so people can download them
  11. Lewie4


    I use www.dev.smarthide.com but i havent done it in ages
  12. i have had these maps for 2 days now
  13. Lewie4

    AI in halo 3

    Is there anyway to get AI in halo 3 with or with a Dev kit?
  14. Yer im not going to get 1 unless i can find one real cheap
  15. Yay we won athrun i gave u the maps
  16. There no real point in downloading sand box. U can put everything on there
  17. You can go every where out the map but not out of the map itself so u can go the the cliffs out at see on valhalla but no furter because there is no more map
  18. i like it. it funny
  19. Lewie4


    What do you call the things in the signature thats are small bars and have a picture with writing in like "IBotzModz Memeber" or "Halo 3 Player"?
  20. Aww no mods. But there will still be two maps we might be able to Can you normally mod like 50 banshees on a map?
  21. oh is there anyway to do it on the 360?
  22. mine is the best http://turnyournameintoaface.com/face/12121216.png
  23. Lol
  24. This is my phone http://www.yournextmobile.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/samsung-omnia.jpg
  25. Yeh i never saw a tutorial so i made one
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