Middle man system would take too long depending on the amount of things being bought or sold. Why can't we just have a BST forum... It's not IBM's responsibility, their just hosting a forum specific for people to get a message across.
I think that this forum should have a BST Section under the main form Lobby. I have some items i would like to sell that are related to xbox, aswell as other's might. Lets hear your thoughts.
To help you all out. After you found the Hex string he provided on your PROFILE not the avatar data. Search down slightly till you see the very first FF. It should be like 00 00 00 00 FF D7 0E (Example) That first FF is the beginning of the string. The D7 0E Is the 2 out of the 3 parts of the RGB you need to edit So for instance. 00 00 00 00 FF D7 0E A7 FF The D7 0E A7 needs to be changed, i want pure white. so ill change it all too FF FF FF. So now its 00 00 00 00 FF [FF FF FF] FF. The ones in Brackets have been changed they are the RGB.
Okay, We'll just to throw this out there for every kid that want's to do this. Things needed to Change your gamertag by Modding. 1.Dev Console 2.Down graded Kernal 3.Brain 4.Decrypted profile. i.e You have to know how to Decrypt the entire profile to find vital information. Figure out the rest.
See's how much people actually read both of my posts. In the link, it has American states With dates In my other post, i posted the tour dates that are left Meaning NO CANADA