Legacy, You just made my day! Thanks for the support, and your idea to 3000 members at first is very very smart. Maybe i should do some advertising. Legacy, think you could make a Ibotmodz.net Advertising tag for me? ill spread it around on other forums trying to bring in "Usefull" members and such.
Hi, im here to suggest an Ibotmodz.net support team. What the support team would do is, Help newer people to the site out by showing them around, Helping them with anything, Being friendly. Almost like a welcoming commity but a little bit more. I know we have Global Mod's, And they are doing a good job btw And they can manage the forums when Mr. Peaches is busy. The support team would be willing to help on any topic, Including. Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox 360 modding Xbox modding PC help Gfx help Stuff around that matter, And the privlages wouldnt be much but here is my suggestive privlages. Edit posts and pin topics. I know what your thinking... We have moderators for that.... But maybe the moderators arnt always free, and dont know how to help people out with certian topics. [Not implying the fact your stupid im just saying ] So, if you think that a support team to help newer people, and active members out is a good idea please post here. Oh btw, Id love to be apart of this team if its consider'd! Personally not trying to sound too concieted, That id do a fantastic job and you wouldnt regret this. Sincearly, - Eli
Vector has to be one of the simplist forms of Graphics art, But its one of the most creative too. I like what you did with it, It could be a tad better. But the only way to make it better is to add a PEACH IN IT!! Ha, Anyways. I like it
There should be a medal " The weekly noob " Meaning, You were active for atleast 1hour each day for a week straight. Meaning by active, You had a total of 10posts or more in that time
Soft modding isnt nesscisarry [ cant spell sorry] We have things called " Xsata's and Xport's and we use Xplorer 360 to use them" There is no point to soft mod.
God i tried Vundofix and it didnt work, I tried virus protection didnt work. I cant figure how to fix this!!! I need a DEEP VIRUS CLEANER ASAP D; This is what i get, it wont fix HELP ME ASAP http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20271-370.jpg
Well for the people who suck, have too much exp, cant get a good group, or is just lazy have every right to buy a level 50 account. Ive seen people do it, ive seen people get screwed over by doing it. Dont just trust anyone.... But hey, Lifes risky
How about tornadoe in Maryland? It hit yesterday in Fredericksburg.... It was coming to my town of Waldorf about 30mins from it. Luckyly it went south instead of North East