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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. We're all old as hell now. It was fun growing up with you all and creating chaos. Forever your pal - Eli
  2. .Eli


    Good to see that Tom and Peaches are still around.
  3. .Eli


    Ibotmodz is still up and running? o-o I thought the website was being shutdown about a year ago.
  4. Man i wish i could go back in time where we all would play halo 2. The mods... The insanity... The epicness... I miss the old days of modding so bad, Where it was all fun and games and seeing who had the best talent at creating maps and mods. Back when it wasn't a competition of websites, It was more of an alliance.
  5. .Eli

    Hello All

  6. Getting my life together Good grades in class, Got license, got car, got a job. Still smoking bud =]
  7. chaaaaaaa
  8. Who're you?
  9. Hi its been a while
  10. I miss... .Melo SOTG Caboose iBotPeaches Dark Slipstream Diet Fattwam Sillybob Mcmodder And whoever else was legit. And of course the rest of ibm ilyyyy
  11. Hmm... Make a program to insult others. No this idea ******* sucks
  12. Hello everyone, Just dropping by to say hello and see how everyone is doing. Haven't been on this forum for a while, Yet alone in the modding/hacking scene any longer.
  13. .Eli

    1 year ibmz

    kewlio bro. I miss this forum
  14. And how the hell did you get those? Lol
  15. Peaches, to reduce all this chaos and massive web spam. Please delete the topic or hide it temporarily.
  16. Gotten 4 codes so far
  17. Yep you can make the 20GB mimic a USB drive up to 16GB.
  18. No fans...? Huh? I clearly said they have fans installed, And i could sell you the stock for an extra 5$ o-o... Video Proof not console banned & working http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUpNCNN3vbc
  19. Specs: Xenon Motherboard Benq VAD6038 DvD Drive Talismoon Whisper Fans (Blue LED) Kernal 9199 (Latest) Gears of war 1 Faceplate NO HDD NO POWER BRICK NO AV CABLES Looking for about 60$ + Shipping. Will include stock fans for an additonal 5$ Notes: Console Freezes when an HDD is attatched (Most likely a bad port, No idea how to fix it.) Never had RROD No warrenty with microsoft If interested, please reply or pm. Thanks EDIT: Pictures http://img685.imageshack.us/slidesho...p?id=a013m.jpg
  20. Cool you called me a leecher, You're absolutely right IM A ******* LEECHER ON RAPIDSHARE. Why the hell would i waste my money, when i can use someones elses. Suck it you scrub
  21. Good job on post boosting, Your post didnt help AT ALL.
  22. Looking to see if anyone has an account i could borrow, If so. Please just pm me. Thanks.
  23. .Eli

    gta 4 iso mods?

    Hotswap is the way to go, What you should do is burn the ISO onto a disc, Start to install the original GTA IV onto your console, Hotswap before it gets past any percentage, let it install. And vala, All you need now is to put the original GTA IV disc in each time, and run it from your hdd.
  24. .Eli


    Thanks everyone , Grape - Your getting better, thanks. Pargy - Very very good art, Gram - Its wonderfull
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