Lol, i was thinking the same thing. I just want to put a pair of 3D glasses on and look I like it, but i know you said not to i dont like the colors, they hurt my eyes lol. Overall its good
Thanks for the feedback,,, Yeah Lax did make the sig. I'm not using Photoshop and all of the tutorials for suck lol. Although i want to get Photoshop pretty soon
No, Idiot lol. This is the last thing i've made since june,,, Nd Mr Slidell I did say i only done the background and then got stuck. I'm looking for other things to do with it Thanks for the feedback anyway. EDIT: Joe is a big bully rofl.
No, No, No Joseph I made this in June lol. I was looking through some of my old stuff and decided to post it. Well i did change one thing today, the border was grey now its black. Meow. lol P.S if you dont believe me ill post a screenie of the properties EDIT: Proof mwhahaha.
Hey i was messing around and i made this, i think it's pretty good. Obv i need to add more, but what? any suggestions? Also CnC. It will be edited to your suggestions. V1 V2 V3 V4 Thanks.
Wow, look who's talking, i bet no one wants to be like you... A high voiced little nerd who's voice wont break until he's 25. Nd who cares if i put my name, it even looks better than your phail sig, wow a pattern pasted on top of a chinese girl? You fancie her, fetish is your style... So why don't you get a life, get out a bit more, and make some friends. -Dan (Woah i iz rock ardddd) EDIT: Yours really shouldn't be Joe, more like Larry.
You can haz two, i have no idea of what the screenshots are, i just extracted two random ones off my hdd. screenshot0000000047D6C63D4.rar Please send me the modded one's. -Dan
Erm, you could just email the account details to me then i'd take care of it I think if you just asked around on XBL you'd sell it in no time, maybe put something in your motto/bio. Hope this helped -Dan
Lol, by the time you make your mind up he will stop going to the store :S Why dont you just buy a brand new halo, no scratches etc and ask him to sign that? Then you could keep it and not worry about it getting damaged... Problem solved. -Dan
All these replies Yeah i just used a very small screw driver and managed to undo the torx (we do have torx screwdrivers just not security one's.) It turned out pretty well, both buttons worked well, COD4 pistols and snipers into machine guns RECOMENDED Thanks for all your help. -Dan
75% scored higher (more nerdy), 2% scored the same, and 23% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Not nerdy, but definitely not hip. -Dan
Here's Mine, It's not much... It will be when i get my case mod Oh, and my faceplate on it's own Thanks for looking! -Dan