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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan


    Wow, i like it. You should try doing a city scape, maybe?
  2. Rofl. Owned much?
  3. Lol, i love line rider. He's pretty good
  4. Rofl. In the UK iPhones are around £35 / $70 a month... Or... £400 / $800 Lol, we sux.
  5.  Dan

    Halo Wars

    I'm getting this game just so that i can get the mythic maps, apparently they are coming free with the game lol
  6. Lol, how didnt i see this before? I wish valhalla did look like this. Beast?!
  7. Looks pretty bad in the vid. I'll dl it later to take a look.
  8. You should try and get photoshop, but if not get PaintDotNet... It's just as good a PS just free.
  9. Can't wait Only a few more weeks lol. Reading your post, all seems well
  10. Is this another one of your jokes?
  11. Heres mine. http://www.letsgodigital.org/images/artikelen/695/lg-viewty-test.jpg Lol, well its not in that good condition
  12. Theres me being blind again Thanks,, It's great
  13. Err, just look in the modding programs section, you should find all you need there.
  14. Im at school in D&T lol
  15. Lol. That guy looks so stoned/dead rofl. I edited my other post ^^
  16. I like it Although i dont like your sparkles Overall very good EDIT: I'm McLovin the sparkles!
  17. Lol. Apparently it's Anthony's. ...
  18. Done it lol. Firewall problem tho.
  19. You should add the wallpaper i use
  20. Lol, im so pro. Did you know? If you throw your xbox on a fire, it makes you get 'Flaming' armour on Halo.
  21. Wow, ed lol. Thats rich coming from you. WackoSpamerEd mcspammer. Rofl.
  22.  Dan

    6000 Members

    Yayzorz wezorz canzorz havezorz 6000zorz memberzors!!!
  23. Lol, i was hoping everyone was going sarcastic. it sux.
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