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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I have chipped duel rapid. It's insanee lol so fast I can haz cheeting n00b
  2. I like these, but all of episode 5 were confirmed. Not a very happy bunny lol.
  3.  Dan


    I've had my account for ages, didnt need an invite Nicce thing your doing here though
  4. Err, what will the restrictions be for member, heroic member etc? Thanks.
  5. Err, you probably don't have it in USA or Australia, but i love the hiscox insurance advert (random lol) and aslo the smirnoff ice advert. Theyy are the best. Hiscox: Smirnoff: Gotta Love 'Em
  6. I Lol'd so much at that!
  7. Err. OCD. ADD. ADHD. Aspergers. You all know what they are.
  8. Can i haz sxc time with the top one? Plzz? Love it
  9. Lol, quiet you But Bungie have ruined it. CoD FTW?
  10. Seems pretty cool Space it out a bit, its hard on the eye's. I'll try out whenever i decide to go on Gaylo, i mean Halo 3.
  11. Nothing ATM, but im trying v.hard to get a beta key for call of duty 5. Proving hell. P.S. Watched wrong turn 2 last night, Gory, but funny lol, and Green street... Amazing film, Epic lol. Edit: I Lol'd.
  12.  Dan


    ^^ Noone cares about recon anymore, so go to a different website and whine about it. :angryface: x 3
  13. You should have got drivers with your xSata? Check in the box. Mine kept not picking my HDD up, i un/reinstalled it with the drivers in the box, and it works fine. Hope it helps.
  14. ^^,, Yeah, just put the pic you want on a mem stick etc, plug it into your xbox, on dashboard go to pictures,. Set what ever pic you want as your theme. Viola.,,
  15. The only gut who voted new skin Ohwell, it's true XD. Can't wait for the new skinzzz.
  16. http://www.speedtest.net/result/334654733.png Hmm, better than it was. Im in the middle of no-where, just like sillybob XD.
  17.  Dan

    Planet Zero

    Lol, me n sillybob made these like last year, we were like WTF we are soo l33t! lol. Very easy. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/explodingplanet1.png ^^ First one,, It's a potato
  18. Ermmmm. Skillet - Rebirth. Skillet - Collide. Scary Kids Scaring Kids - Holding On. City Sleeps - Bones. That kind of shahizza. P.S: I love making up words
  19.  Dan

    My 2nd sig

    Not badd Yeah the text needs working on, otherwise. That's pretty good for a first attepmt (spelling XD) Keep up the good work
  20. Yah, it run out and im too poor to get a new one lol. I'll give 5k points to anyone who will let me use there's
  21. EDIT: Closed, ill use a sloooooooow torrent then
  22.  Dan

    3 new

    Wow. lol. I love the Gorrilaz one. Insanenesss (made up word)
  23.  Dan

    Lol, It Sux :)

    Like it lol? Very amature i know. Took like 5 mins http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/banner.png CnC's Fankx.
  24. Thats kind of you Ed lmao
  25. Yay, i remembered them Obv Blueshadowz.info and the other one is; www.xboxsaves.net/forum/ Althought i'd say Blueshadowz.info is the best
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