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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Lol, yeah. Random people who have never been online before asking for reconzzzzzz is really annoying. Then trying to explain to them that it can't happen, and they say that they've seen a damn video lol.
  2. xBox obv I used to think that xBox's sucked (original ones), and used to love playstations. Now i think the opposite lol, the 360 owns ass Nd the PS3 is a giant let down for sony lol. Play-Slab FTW?
  3. Lol, i watched these yesterday, and then i watched them again today. Was anyone like me and actually went and tried some of the miths for themselves? Or am i... Lol i'll stop now while im ahead
  4.  Dan


    Lol, although everyone says this one is the same as all the others, its not lol. 1. It works (which is always helpful.) 2. I like lists. 3. It just is better, so there!
  5. Yeah, you can do it with any helmet, you just have to have the bungie chest plate on Nothing to do with reconz etc.
  6. Obv, Cake ain't a lie. You stole it lol. I take it you got banned for GS Modding? 61k Gs? Legit? Nah.
  7. This the one i helped you test? If so... It's insane lol! Everyone should try it XD
  8. I have no money lol, i saved for mine. And what a waste it was lol.
  9. Lol, i dont play much halo any more, but i think i will now lol, i love campaign glitches, they rule
  10. Go buy one? Thats what we all had to do.
  11. http://www.tnwildside.org/Images/Home/VideoHighlights/1402VideoHighlightRT.jpg Lol.
  12. Mcmodder. Retard. That was you. You are wackogamed. So your pretty much... Oh stuff it. Lol.
  13. Lol, its a big blue and silver sausage! Im gunna be at school when it happens. Can i haz teh dayz off?
  14. 360gamesaves.com Suxxxxx, Just use one of the websites that you can already get game saves off, and no invites I Can't remember them atm.
  15. http://addmorehp.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/mitsubishi_lancer_b1387hi.jpg Simple as.
  16. Lolololol. http://www.1385.org/cnw1385f.jpg
  17. Trainnsssssss. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~rrclubum/MNN1383.JPG
  18. It's a Bot telling us about the double EXP weekend
  19. Add some pics, even though you cant add them, just post some links. If i see some pics il DL
  20. http://www.murphyauctions.net/images/eastmorelandday1/1378.jpg Random Google Search FTW!
  21.  Dan

    The ChurchYard

    Looks great, whats the original map for this?
  22. http://www.trainweb.org/seaboard/SBD/sbd1376.jpg
  23. http://www.atu1374.com/atu-flags-for-web-01.gif Lol, just that.
  24.  Dan

    Lockout Paintball

    It might not work if your renaming it to turf.map, whenever me or sillybob123 rename the map to turf.map it fails to load. Any other map works fine
  25. Lol, when i click the link it takes me to my profile, and it also takes others to their profiles. Broken link lol?
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