Lol, yeah. Random people who have never been online before asking for reconzzzzzz is really annoying. Then trying to explain to them that it can't happen, and they say that they've seen a damn video lol.
xBox obv I used to think that xBox's sucked (original ones), and used to love playstations. Now i think the opposite lol, the 360 owns ass Nd the PS3 is a giant let down for sony lol. Play-Slab FTW?
Lol, i watched these yesterday, and then i watched them again today. Was anyone like me and actually went and tried some of the miths for themselves? Or am i... Lol i'll stop now while im ahead
Lol, although everyone says this one is the same as all the others, its not lol. 1. It works (which is always helpful.) 2. I like lists. 3. It just is better, so there!