Dodgeball court V1 Update: The gametype link will only be working for 7/8 more days, it may be updated or i will host it online. Hey everyone, this is my first mod. Please Dl, take a look and post a comment. Thanks. Made by xDansomee Post written up by xDansomee of Features: -Invis walls -Lights (only hosts can see) -God rays Bugs -You can only sometimes see the God rays Pictures Video Could someone make a vid please? Download < Map < Gametype Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. Remember, comment please. xDansomee of
Edit: ive been looking around, i thought i was good... well im not lol Hey, ive been doing GFX for nearly a year now, it all started when i found a program called PaintDotNet or PDN and i found out some amazing things you can do with such simple to use programs, here are a few of my creations; Thanks Please leave feedback, and dont be too harsh :S -Dan
Hello there, A few weeks back me and a load of other people were testing out a new mod when this happened... ... d=41223750 I dunno how or what happened, although the game was fairly laggy. Post comments, thanks -Dan
Ooh, just got your reply. thanks for the info on where to get the drivers, but im not modding the 360 itself, just the controller. Do you know anyone who has one, and are they worth the $40?
Yo, I was thinking of getting a controller mod, but i dont know if they are worth it, and does anyone know where i could get hold of one of those torque security screw drivers? Thanks -Dan
Oh, its for use as hdd, i know someone who has done it but he's never online, so i was wandering if anyone else knew how to. ohwell, thanks anyway -Dan