Err, you probably don't have it in USA or Australia, but i love the hiscox insurance advert (random lol) and aslo the smirnoff ice advert. Theyy are the best. Hiscox: Smirnoff: Gotta Love 'Em
Nothing ATM, but im trying v.hard to get a beta key for call of duty 5. Proving hell. P.S. Watched wrong turn 2 last night, Gory, but funny lol, and Green street... Amazing film, Epic lol. Edit: I Lol'd.
You should have got drivers with your xSata? Check in the box. Mine kept not picking my HDD up, i un/reinstalled it with the drivers in the box, and it works fine. Hope it helps.
^^,, Yeah, just put the pic you want on a mem stick etc, plug it into your xbox, on dashboard go to pictures,. Set what ever pic you want as your theme. Viola.,,
Lol, me n sillybob made these like last year, we were like WTF we are soo l33t! lol. Very easy. ^^ First one,, It's a potato
Ermmmm. Skillet - Rebirth. Skillet - Collide. Scary Kids Scaring Kids - Holding On. City Sleeps - Bones. That kind of shahizza. P.S: I love making up words