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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    Caratti h3m1

    EDIT: LOL.
  2. V E R Y S M E X Y Lovin' It All
  3.  Dan

    VIP Updates

    Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Me In! (Yes, i would like to stay VIP ) Thanks
  4. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/Desk.png Nice 'n' Simple
  5. How can most people think that it's going anti clockwise? It's Clockwise lol. EDIT: McQueer Rofl.
  6. Lol, some people are crazy. Is it the same amount of exp for prestige as COD4? (125k EXP) Cuz thats like 150k EXP a day lol. EDIT: 200th Post
  7. No, no, no lol. Shoes. Not trainers or sneakers. Shoes. And again, they don't bother me... They keep my feet warm XD
  8.  Dan

    Gs Hexing

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=8448 There Yuuu Go
  9. No, a year lol. Blazer: £30/$60 Shirts: £5/$10 Trousers (Pants): £20/$40 Tie: £5/$10 Shoes: £50/$100 Then theres all the extras, Sports kit etc.
  10. Yeah, it's just the few unrespected members who decide to flame about it lol. Although the schools reason for making us wear uniform sux. If everyone wears their own clothes, some will get bullied becuase they dont have as much money as others. Our full uniform costs about £120/$240.
  11. C4n 1 h45 7h3 r3c0nz?! Agreed. Fatal Error for Global Mod!.
  12. Wow, ive seen some top prestiges already then! Shame i can't get mine... I got the game last week and my xbox broke yesterday
  13. Lol, like what i was trying to say WHY would anyone stage this? Then again, aparently their whole montage... Even the bit with the MLG commentry was faked. According to Silly.
  14. Wow, i actually sat here and read all of that, and i have to say i agree. You say about iBotz dying, yeah it is. Hardly anyone comes on any more, Me, Slidell, Decatur and the Mods are the only widely active people lol.
  15. Esjay, why bump a 3/4 month topic? It's Pointless lol.
  16. Lol Wtf, that was insane lol, the guy stripping in the background rofl. Lax, it is on TV i think, right at the start... The Ad about The Simpsons.
  17.  Dan

    Halo Wars

    Dom, what the hell did that mean lol? Edit it and make it make sense
  18. I dunno really, maybe try using a different resigner? Hope this helped
  19. Lol, why would they set something this random up? Nd, also it only says 'Edited' by Phurion... How would he know it was set up?
  20. Thanks Lax No, i think the teahcer was out getting books lol. Uniforms may not look that good, but who cares
  21. Yeah, don't bother me,, Keeps me warm. No one wears it properly anyway.
  22. Rofl yep. I sat near him in science today lol. His name is Ben Laden apparently Wait,, I wrote that on his book
  23. Hmm, will this work on english phones? I'll give it a try. I've got a LG Tho. *Grabs Dad's phone* Muahahhahhaa. Thanks.
  24. Lol, a kid at my school. I was cleaning out some folders on my PC and i found this vid, its like a year or two old. EDIT by lax: I fixed it
  25. Wow, they are smexy. I have got gimp, although i got it when i was like 12, opened it up and got scared lol. Ain't even opened it up since
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