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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Here is my name/ GT written in guns... It's 1337 I know... http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/46714470-Full.jpg Post yours!!!
  2.  Dan

    Ohh Dom...

    As i'm Fireman Dan, you can be Dom-ino's http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/333-1.png
  3. EDIT: It seems that taken images are not saved... They are only saved when used as your gamer picture... As soon as you change your gamer pic back to a normal one the photo is wiped...
  4. Woah that is teh win. Lovin it. <3
  5.  Dan

    KD <3

    I have to agree. Am I teh next GFX god?
  6. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/xDansomee/avatar-body.png and http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/EHP%20Prowolf/avatar-body.png
  7. Thanks Smoki, it is teh smex Heres the one dododabroper made http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/dmp4/line_up_3beta.jpg As soon as I get Melo's in i'll make the poll.
  8.  Dan

    For Danny bohy

    Ahhh, I like it... Going in sig naoo.
  9. Uhh as i'm in the UK its 1:07am... Meaning it's friday... Meaning it's FE's birthday http://www.spacepimping.com/graphics/myspace-happy-birthday-graphics/HappyBirthday57.gif <3
  10.  Dan

    Flamingin SB

    Why am I always involved lol?
  11.  Dan

    KD <3

    Uhh more like 5 secs
  12.  Dan

    KD <3

    No sarcasm needed... It's the thought that counts... Jokess <3
  13.  Dan

    KD <3

    Its teh gift for teh kd.
  14.  Dan

    KD <3

    There we go'z <3 http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/kd3.png CnC's
  15.  Dan

    4 teh MFoneeee.

    EL&FONT GOTHIC I think... @FE Uhh theres lots of lays out clouds, but you can't really see them
  16.  Dan

    4 teh MFoneeee.

    Like 12 billion stocks all layered over each other...
  17. Ly2 <3
  18. No one likes my posts today
  19. Yeah, I will do a poll Thanks.
  20. Teabagger is pink.
  21.  Dan


    Closed. -Dan
  22.  Dan


    Niice app. Shame its for teh dev owners lol
  23. Thanks, can't wait to see the outcome
  24.  Dan

    My GT

    BTW KD stands for Korupt Dan
  25. Lol... Now in English please?
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