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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    [Sell] XBL acc.

    ****, I mean it doesn't have a CC, wanna pic?
  2.  Dan

    [Sell] XBL acc.

    Phished Steven. You interested?
  3.  Dan

    [Sell] XBL acc.

    Got 12 months live left. Got 10,340 GS Only 30 MS points... The account doesn't have a CC, so once you have changed all the personal details the account is impossible to be recovered by the owner.
  4.  Dan

    [Sell] XBL acc.

    @FE, this doesn't have the map packs, neither does it have a credit card. @Venom, I need the money so bad lol.
  5.  Dan

    [Sell] XBL acc.

    x 25 and you got a deal lol.
  6. Cba to make a big post about it. Selling an account. GT: Uber Stroodle Got 12 months live left. Got 10,340 GS Only 30 MS points... The account doesn't have a CC, so once you have changed all the personal details the account is impossible to be recovered by the owner. Pics of download history: http://rapidshare.com/files/219880716/AccPics.rar - 6 Pages of Arcade games and game add-ons. Post your offers here, preferably cash.
  7.  Dan


    Yeah, but MS points cost 400 SB points... The game costed me 35 SB points.
  8.  Dan


    I brought the game as a test to see whether Swagbucks was legit or not. If my game arrives I will start to save up higher amounts of point to get better prizes.
  9.  Dan


  10. Uhh... I have no idea.
  11. Hey, can I have VIP?
  12.  Dan

    MSN Revenge

  13. iBotPeaches (iBotModz.net) says: http://www.petitiononline.com/biohalo3/petition.html Dan. Loves. Katherine says: already done it iBotPeaches (iBotModz.net) says: god damn
  14.  Dan


    www.thebotnet.com Sign up there... be active, and most of all DO NOT SPAM. You need to own an account to be able to use their bots... You also need to pay, or have 20 legit posts to be able to use the bots.
  15.  Dan


    I have multiple bots...
  16.  Dan


    Right, I ordered a cheap game from Swagbucks... Just to see if the site is legit. If it arrives i'll be more tempted to go for a better prize, such as another 360, an iPod or even a PS3. Email from Swagbucks: Just to clarify, I used a bot to aquire the points.
  17. Happy Birthday... Btw, ima DS nao.
  18. You can't use a brute forcer on many sites now... Phishing is your best bet.
  19. Actually, iBotz is the only website I don't use adblock plus on... So mehh!
  20. I vote for Smoki.
  21. Get firefox then get adblock plus... There are no ad's anywhere
  22.  Dan

    My cat

    No Athrun... It's only 'an' before a vowel: A, E, I, O, U.
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