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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan


    I was thanking you lol, I just didn't want to double post.
  2.  Dan


    A controller is £30. Google currency convertor: 30 British pounds = 45.18600 U.S. dollars
  3.  Dan


    Around $45.
  4.  Dan


    My goal is enough for a Xbox 360 Controller, anything else would be greatly appreciated
  5. I'd tap that. That is a smexy machine.
  6. I'd tap that.
  7. iPod touch 2nd gen ftw
  8.  Dan


    Read the post, it's been edited...
  9.  Dan


    Well, if you got that much, i'll have £30 for a controller Yeah, i'm only 15... You need to be 16 for EMA. Also you need to be earning less than £31,000 a year. My parents earn almost double that... Now, don't go saying "Oh, you can afford a controller then!" No I cant when my parents are in £120,000 of debt.
  10.  Dan


    Look in first post.
  11.  Dan


    That's the biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard.
  12. Uh, gears 2 if you have it, don't have gears 1
  13. Want to use my rapidshare acc? Should get me enough points to upgrade to premium, then all teh ganksta's here can use it.
  14. iTztehRandom? I like Azz? Fan of Dom oh and Dan?
  15.  Dan


    You could stick that one back in the mail and post it to me Thanks, it all adds up
  16.  Dan


    Get a job when i'm 15 and live in the middle of no where? EDIT: Before fee's, thanks for the $13.37 lol.
  17.  Dan


    Thanks in advance, anything would be great!
  18.  Dan

    UMP V5

    Gotta love me, uploaded by myself. http://rapidshare.com/files/229244215/UMP_v5_Setup.rar
  19.  Dan


    Uhh yeah, why is this thread cool? Btw, gratz on getting the 86.5k post.
  20.  Dan


    Yeah, the money is for me. I have no money and need a new controller. 10p is English currency, pence.
  21.  Dan


    If I get enough, I will ask Peaches what he wants me to do with the money then.
  22.  Dan


    Hey, i'm here asking you today to donate just 10c or 10p to my paypal account. Yeah, thats it. Well, if ya wanna donate more that would be nice. 10%+ Will be directly donated back to the website, well maybe upto 50% or so! The rest of the money will go towards buying me a new xbox controller, I doubt I will make enought, but without this... I pretty much can't play xbox, which would be a shame... Wouldn't it!? If this turns into a flame war, then stuff the post and close it please. Donate button: If you donate, be sure to reply back here! Total received: Around $28.00 USD Thanks so much, Dan.
  23.  Dan


    Hey, whats the lowest amount that can be donated/ given to someone on paypal? Thanks.
  24. I'd tap that.
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