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Everything posted by fadingshadow122

  1. Needlers aren't that bad if someone else is using it on you, but all i can say is that i wouldn't use one unless i really really had to.... But i suppose it does suck if they can hit you enough.
  2. honestly i think they need double walls in Avalanche as well as more single walls.....
  3. if you guys want to see what the bungie.net community had posted here is the link to my bungie.net forum: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... eater1-p=1
  4. this guy from bungie.net sure wants alot check out his list Posted by: SHOKAG3 1. coagulation 2. forge filters on all maps 3. scarab and pelican in forge 4. armors for the elites to make it even 5. more armors for the spartans to uneven it again 6. an aquatic map 7. another foundry but bigger 8. more color options to armor 9. play as your character in campaign 10. funny noises when elites die 11. more blood 12. rocket launchers can home onto enemy vehicles 13. voice filters 14. join a ranked game thats already started 15. uhhh... did i say coagulation 16. the flaming helmet but in like different color fires and not in the eod body. 17. pick up objects like the soccer ball 18. lower gun in xbox live 19.map that changes time and or weather And those are the things I really don't care about
  5. The funniest suggestion i have seen yet. This one is from my forum on bungie.net Posted by: Darkstar353 I want to be able to spawn ragdolls in Forge, but that's not going to happen. So, I think that if someone is whining in MM, you should be able to turn off their shields, switch them to the pink team, and make them respawn with just a plasma pistol that does 0% damage.
  6. clans seem to be really desirable because the friends of a friend thing just gets too complicated.... also i would love for bungie to add some really special armor for the elite for getting the 1000gs.... maybe a pike to match MC's katana
  7. and YES i forgot about that , it was so helpful. isn't that the same thing as like the flag bounce. In halo 2 on one of the levels (forgot the name) you could grab the enemy flag jump off the ledge throw it at a conveyer belt and it would bounce all the way to your side so your team scores.... ahhh good times...... it would be awsome though regardless.
  8. OH That's why i haven't been able to do it lately.
  9. i just finished this map i think it is definitely worth downloading. this map took me so 9+hours to make and i made it look as nice as i could without messing anything up. This map is meant for Free for all Slayer, 2 vs. 2 Slayer, and small up to 4 vs. 4 Team Slayer matches. Please download and leave some feedback. Here is the link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21429296 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17876-549.jpg shotgun hallway (center of map) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17876-550.jpg Sword room (upstairs) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17876-551.jpg
  10. This is something i did a few months ago yet I'm just posting now. basically i tried to stick to the map Warlock as much as i could however there are some major differences between the two. As much as i tried to make this a perfectly symmetrical map i was not able to, however i did even it out as much as possible. I only set it up for three game types: FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, and Assault. Feel free to set up more if you like but those so far are the only ones i have set up. any way here is the link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21426795 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17854-552.jpg
  11. Lol, forge in campaign. god that would be so fun. if that were to happen we should be able to control where enimies spawn/ be able to just delete almost every enemy
  12. Also i guess if there is something you would have them fix or get rid of, i personally think they should get rid of both Betrayal Booting and "Push to talk".
  13. what would you choose. personally i would like to see the return of the Spectre. Or perhaps a return of the superbounces but thats me.... I wanted to know what the community would think of.
  14. i was initially going to do that however i couldn't resize them at the moment so they were huge.
  15. oh you're dead on the bus......
  16. i'm sorry it was supposed to be smaller i will fix the link right now, but photobucket.com wont load for me at the moment so i'll fix that image after school today.
  17. sorry i just had to move them to an online album try the link it should work now.
  18. here they are let me know what you think: http://s304.photobucket.com/albums/nn19 ... reenshots/
  19. this is one of my recent maps that i believe is pretty good. Please use the link to the bungie.net forum to download then leave me some feedback http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21408052 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17742-556.jpg
  20. Is there a way that i can save changes i made to a modded map such as the avamod with missile pod turrets, so that both my changes and the original mods, in this case the missile pod turrets, appear?
  21. You get say 50 posts, and I'll record up to 10 clips from your fileshare and send you the .avi files. thank you so much!
  22. For anyone who doesn't know yet they removed that feature so it no longer works =( anyway if someone finds a new site that allows you to do this (tell a site a clip and slot in your fileshare then they tape it with capture card is what i mean, maybe it would just be easier to just say like a video submission sort of thing) PM me because i REALLY, REALLY want to get some of my films to my computer to put on my youtube account cause' my camera's quality is horrible
  23. Not sure if anyone has seen it yet but there is a new* mod on construct by shotspartin1177 it is called "The storm" here is a link to his fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...shotspartin1177
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