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Everything posted by fadingshadow122

  1. the ability edit vehicle speed would be SWEET!
  2. My Fav. Part: "If you've been in my suitcase the whole time then how have you been getting past security at the airports?" "Oh that ones easy, when they open the suitcase i say, HELLOOOO im Lindsay lohan!!"
  3. ok now we need to stop with the smileys even if they are fun i suppose it is spam.....
  4. yeah lol i have the film clip saved i can upload it to my fileshare if you want
  5. no it was around 14 more kills before i won.
  6. if anyone wants me to i can upload that clip to my fileshare
  7. if by that you mean it sucks alot more than yeah
  8. lol that's a bubble shield
  9. well i never heard them b4 but i never said they were new but on youtube there 49,176,781 at the moment and it has 202,089 5 star ratings (it has 5 stars currently)
  10. i know i'm addicted lol. i would give you the 48hr. code that came with my halo 3 but i just remembered i already used it... sorry
  11. i think the funny, i guess you just might not have the same sense of humor as 48 million other people
  12. BTW how do you get a medal for 50 posts?
  13. yeah the other one is funnier but i still like this one alot
  14. hey we both have 2 highscores currently....
  15. Another funny video of Achmed the dead terrorist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsHtNZzpzcI [youtube:ia0kj1ut]bsHtNZzpzcI[/youtube:ia0kj1ut]
  16. This is a Hilarious video i saw on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go [youtube:3ih8boks]1uwOL4rB-go[/youtube:3ih8boks]
  17. my friend actually killed himself with the wheel once, and it gave me a kill for it. (i was riding the chopper he lit me on fire i died, chopper blew up, wheel nailed him.)
  18. That's got to suck if you're trying to get through legendary. well actually i guess it just has to suck all the time.
  19. vetoing more than once needs to be put in. that way we cant get isolation in matchmaking
  20. this is not my video i saw it and thought it was just too good to pass up.... [youtube:14q446qf]BcbW8amO6kU[/youtube:14q446qf]
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