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Everything posted by fadingshadow122

  1. Can someone please get a working link and if you have it put it on your fileshare.
  2. Lol the Head was definitely photoshop (the helmet alone in the desert)
  3. OO i have an idea now lols I'm gonna take the elite user award and turn it in to something more halo related lol... i bet u can already guess what im gonna do...
  4. He threw a grass hopper on me and the teachers sent me to tell the dean
  5. If they reset levels i would be PISSED OFF! It has taken me FOREVER to get my rank of Major Grade 3 and there is no way in hell i'm havin it reset. so bungie would probably do whats best and NOT reset ranks
  6. I was wondering if anyone could take that medal and slap IBM in the bottom right?
  7. Here is one i made for getting VIP (100 Posts)
  8. well i would have but it disapeared if i went any higher lol
  9. i never said i did............
  10. and the fort unknown is sweet.
  11. Last reckoning is probably my fav.
  12. Looks kinda.... Empty.
  13. That looks fun I'll give it a try.
  14. I may/ may not upload a video of me doing this to my fileshare later it all depends on whether or not i have time/ a friend that will co-operate.
  15. To do this You CANNOT be the connection host. first of all u find a good spot most flat areas work really well. next you turn into the monitor and spawn either a turret or a tele. Now get above the item and look down at it. repeatedly hit A and the right trigger until you see it go halfway underground, And there you go!
  16. How do you even get to the cieling in that room?!
  17. I think it's lag like when you fall through you're own body...
  18. pretty much like the ExO arm glitch but incomplete. it pretty much makes all weapons long range if memory serves me correctly.
  19. It happened to me once but only cause my friends connection SUCKED!
  20. My friend once spawned with a mauler and a beam rifle in ranked shotty snipers (Team Slayer), so i suppose the game gets confused easily
  21. This is sweet the only thing about mods i don't like is that i can't make and save changes to them in forge. but it's all good
  22. i think it's alright please dont flame
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