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Everything posted by fadingshadow122

  1. check this pic of me blowing up my friend out. i think it looks sweet but what about you?
  2. lol i voted 4 lax but I'll never tell!! Wait a second......!! I guess i told....
  3. Deus Ex Machina is definitely the best!!!! DigitalPh33r Rules!!!!
  4. LOL how random can u get
  5. cody i know thats a load of bull crap. Oh wait i just remembered you play games pretty much all night... NVM. Im level 93 in rs with 3.6m cash, full Dharok, an abby whip, drag hally, D B-Axe, Crystal shield, and about 2000 of every rune.
  6. it's fine. I just realized i could have made it stand out a little more. it can easily be mistaken for MAC like the magnetic accelerator cannons from the halo novels.
  7. i did this on my apple iMac (computer).
  8. I'm posting this here because there is no halo 1 specific thread and i wanted to show what i do when i get bored..... [youtube:21vownqi]wgpnfdTEXRM[/youtube:21vownqi]
  9. i love the spray paint, pimp walk, and rocks in forge options.
  10. Chuck Norris instead of Sr. Johnson.... ROFL
  11. Lol i get out next Wednesday.
  12. I thought you must be fully clothed but the naked guy is just GROSS
  13. Im in Gt: Fadingshadow122
  14. I'm not spamming anyway my initial reason for coming here is like i said before GeeVee Grab is no longer available...
  15. Nobody want's to release them but they have a lot of them out there though....
  16. it confused the hell out of me at first but then i realized the water and glaciers were illusions .... i knew it was something about the ice.....
  17. Oh and they should remove ammo depletion in the plasma pistol for holding a charge it's really stupid
  18. Im not Sure whether or not i have said this already But I really want them to return the spectres. They were my favorite
  19. I like Halo (all of them) Halo books (they rule) and Xbox 360 (I do however have a life)
  20. That guy is on my friends list. i almost got a teleporter in there, i believe i can i just don't want to at the moment cause i need a friend over live.
  21. Do you think it would be better if i replaced the sword with a flamethrower?
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