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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. File Name: H3Unlock File Submitter: iBotPeaches File Submitted: 05 Jan 2010 File Category: Xbox 360 Programs Author: Xenon.7 Version: 1.0 H3Unlock A tool to remove security checks from your Halo 3 & Halo 3 ODST executables. By Xenon.7(DeToX) & Anthony Items & Descriptions ---------------------------------------------- Halo 3 1.0 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file. Halo 3 1.1 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file. Halo 3 1.2 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file. Halo 3 1.2 Ultimate - Ability to mod .map files, All armor is always unlocked(properly), alot more security removed from .map files, which, at times, would give you a dirty disc error, because the engine is really picky. Removed signatures on .blf images(mainmenu preview images), .mapinfo files(files that add .maps to your mainmenu). Alot more aswell. Halo 3 ODST Hacked - Ability to mod .map files. I believe I also removed a bit more security here than that that made the engine less strict about certain header values that are to be calculated. HOW TO APPLY PATCHES TO THE EXECUTABLE ======================================== -Put xorloser's xextool.exe in the same folder as this application or else it will not function. -Open H3Unlock.exe, open up a clean XEX from Halo 3 ODST or Halo 3, and select which patch you'd like to apply. -Click apply It's also been reported you should use xextool for all 4 .dll's: -\WaveShell-Xbox.dll -\WavesLibDLL.dll -\waves\L360.dll -\waves\Q10.dll SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING ======================================== -Anthony, as he was my partner in the beginning, and together we made it all happen. Though it may have been years ago, it's still appreciated. -xorloser, for his xextool. -DarkShallFall, always been there, great modder, was the only guy that stuck by for long and did some plugin research to help out. Note: If you have a copy of the Halo 3 Multiplayer Only disc that was bundled from Halo 3 ODST, you can take a hacked Halo 3 1.2 XEX, and replace it with that one, and the game will function the exact same, only security will be removed. Click here to download this file
  2. 490 downloads

    H3Unlock A tool to remove security checks from your Halo 3 & Halo 3 ODST executables. By Xenon.7(DeToX) & Anthony Items & Descriptions ---------------------------------------------- Halo 3 1.0 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file. Halo 3 1.1 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file. Halo 3 1.2 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file. Halo 3 1.2 Ultimate - Ability to mod .map files, All armor is always unlocked(properly), alot more security removed from .map files, which, at times, would give you a dirty disc error, because the engine is really picky. Removed signatures on .blf images(mainmenu preview images), .mapinfo files(files that add .maps to your mainmenu). Alot more aswell. Halo 3 ODST Hacked - Ability to mod .map files. I believe I also removed a bit more security here than that that made the engine less strict about certain header values that are to be calculated. HOW TO APPLY PATCHES TO THE EXECUTABLE ======================================== -Put xorloser's xextool.exe in the same folder as this application or else it will not function. -Open H3Unlock.exe, open up a clean XEX from Halo 3 ODST or Halo 3, and select which patch you'd like to apply. -Click apply It's also been reported you should use xextool for all 4 .dll's: -\WaveShell-Xbox.dll -\WavesLibDLL.dll -\waves\L360.dll -\waves\Q10.dll SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING ======================================== -Anthony, as he was my partner in the beginning, and together we made it all happen. Though it may have been years ago, it's still appreciated. -xorloser, for his xextool. -DarkShallFall, always been there, great modder, was the only guy that stuck by for long and did some plugin research to help out. Note: If you have a copy of the Halo 3 Multiplayer Only disc that was bundled from Halo 3 ODST, you can take a hacked Halo 3 1.2 XEX, and replace it with that one, and the game will function the exact same, only security will be removed.
  3. Uploaded 10/18/2009 | 187.56 MB (UnleashX Skins) http://www.mediafire.com/?2nijewzhw2y
  4. Requiem of a Pistol January 4th, 2010 to January 11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJYwPaIc9JU
  5. That will take hella long to re-upload. Anyone you specifically want? There all on xbins too
  6. iBotPeaches


    XS would be the place to ask for questions like those. Some of the people there have taken apart like 1000 xboxes to reflow, flash, etc and they know the xbox inside and out. Its not that were not helpful, we just don't have a large background and experience of individualized problems like yours.
  7. I've messed with doing that stuff forever, and had no luck. How do you boot the original .xbe? Did you run it from a flash disc drive and burnt disc? Do you have a launcher and a jtagged box to run it directly from the HDD? Expand on this This would make lots of people happy. Halo Remapped released 4 discs each that had around 50 maps, so that at the max is 200 maps not 450. Almost all the maps lacked a mainmenu picture, there was no autopatcher you just had to download a massive ISO. Most of the mods were 10 second mods and not that good either. If anyone still has them, its bigstack. It was a good mappack for people wanting to play a variety of all mods, it just lacked what other mappacks had. Which was youtube videos, box art, a nice post, and popularity.
  8. Boot up Xored Trainer Launcher, through your modded dashboard. Double check that you have Yelo installed correctly, by following this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/How-To-Get-Yelo-Game-t132.html&hl=yelo&fromsearch=1 Then boot up the AI Revision from Xored, weather that be from the HDD or a disc. Just make sure you checked the box(es) Remove AU Enable AI Or some different wording of those. Then make sure you only have 1 controller plugged in, and your all good
  9. Or don't even mod your map and use a gametype that has no HUD. Then you can use Yelo and have no HUD. Once of these downloads is Team Slayer no HUD, and the other is FFA no HUD. HudLess_Gametypes.rar US_Halo_2_Filming_Hu_24945.zip
  10. So you can buy a cheap legal copy maybe?
  11. It doesn't look possible. Someone could fake an xex that just runs the .xbe of the H2 mappack in compatibility mode, but then that xex isn't signed so you would need a jtaged xbox or dev. My beta testers have the mappack right now, less than a week left.
  12. iBotPeaches


    I don't know yet what your reporting. You say you have red rings, but you failed to say how many. One could be overheat which could be prevented, while another rrod could be the E74 error code on the horizon. (Video card is melting) We will help
  13. Did you touch the saves? Meaning resign or rehash them? Most those saves you just drop in without touching.
  14. iBotPeaches


    Before you murdered it, did you have any warranty left? lol
  15. 12:35am here. Have fun all, I have one H2 release coming, a homepage coming and other stuff
  16. Thanks I also bought a fan that just plugs into one of my pci slots.
  17. Spent awhile searching, and found this one with excellent reviews. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100008&cm_re=thermal_paste-_-35-100-008-_-Product Does it have to be a specific paste for the gpu, because its not a cpu?
  18. After Effects seems to be the program to use for intros, and special effects in videos. Time to learn another program poorly. I like the static stuff, but too hard to tell anything since it was quite small.
  19. Um iBotPeaches is, but the account linked to from the homepage is not. So I'm confused.
  20. Ask your friends to report your gamertag for inappropriate uses. If you get a lot of complaints the built in system will require a name change.
  21. When I really start pushing my ATI 5770 it pushes 57C and knocks my case really high temp wise, and then my comp force shuts down to prevent overheat. Could I just purchase a video card cooler, and pop it in the slot below the card and it would work? Or just a poor case for a hot video card? I have no experience cooling a video card, but I found something like this and thought it might work. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835118037
  22. iBotPeaches

    Homepage WIP

    I've been working on a homepage that you will be brought to when visiting http://ibotmodz.net , from which you can go to the forums or not. It pulls basic data, such as your username, last 3 uploaded downloads, last 4 uploaded tutorials and the last news story. It shows off our Twitter/YouTube accounts, and links to staff information, and a way to contact the staff. (Both of those are under-construction) I'd just like to give a progress update so users can double check, if everything is working fine for their computer. Note the skin/theme/colors of it, are not final. I don't "skin" as I work, so the final look will change once its finished. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&folder=&id=4
  23. This rapidshare download will take forever since it keeps saying no free accounts. Do I need that scenario or could I just use a clean one from a new containment? EDIT: H2Core won't work on Windows 7 64bit, it needs a proper sanddock dll. You'll have to wait till I boot up my old XP.
  24. Use the 3-7-7 release, and that might work. Either way I'm doing it for you. I'll upload a serenity patch here when finished. 3-7-07_Release.rar
  25. I have the 5770 Otherwise looks like a good setup.
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