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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. im pretty sure there no such thing as .con
  2. then saten made (plz post "him free" thx)
  3. really where is fattwam? I found him can u?
  4. and were best
  5. " ,and finally he
  6. That is where emulating xbl comes in, if i xported the beta b4 it was closed.
  7. step one could be just emulating offline, but later we could be online through xbconnect or xlink.
  8. then died, but
  9. I have been here a while so im not one of those noobs that come by every so often asking 4 a .map resigner, so please consider this idea. I still have the activated halo 3 beta so since the beta has such low security it IS possible to emulate xbl and run modded maps in the halo 3 beta. Just a GOOD idea. THX 4 ur input. If a mod says its ok i will link and upload the still active halo 3 beta.
  10. were his thoughts.
  11. T3A guy


    its better than entity + adi +insolence combined it has so much, i have seen it in action.
  12. use this code 4 ur sig 2 make the name less burry: http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/dynabar/show/sup_marine.png[/img(remove this)]
  13. i made this one say the few the proud and fixed the ugly camo.
  14. made ur name bigger and less blurry.
  15. still blending the camo to make it more real and trying to get a good way to make a blood texture but here is it so far.
  16. were random thoughts.
  17. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26261-96.png red white n blue i also have a version with a soldier on it if u wan tht
  18. was his thought,
  19. in the army.
  20. and fought some
  21. tire. Anyway chuck (UGH Ill count someone as 2 words.)
  22. was stuck in
  23. sick. For his (hopefully someone will have father staring their next post )
  24. for his father (god is this turning into a sick combination of assy mcgee and mulan?)
  25. . He would be
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