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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Does it have to be an image? Because I thought you could use text.
  2. T3A guy


    I'll take the last one please.
  3. sorry, I mean subscribe to sections.
  4. I like some of the new features in ipb3 like subscribing. I also like the layout.
  5. Isn't it impossible to teabag anywhere based on the definition of teabagging?
  6. Can you get me the codes for this php file?
  7. Different pic every time you refresh. Where did you get the sometimes red sometimes blue thing from?
  8. http://deelekgolo.wmclan.net/sig.png/
  9. Lulz, I see a lot of the red.
  10. We also kicked some old ones. DSS, Smokie, Curtis and steven.
  11. That means you are using the lite version. On the bottom of the screen select the link that allows you to select your skin manually. That fixed it for me.
  12. You should build your own, it's a lot cheaper and a lot better.
  13. Don't they all look like that?
  14. For me it always said that the bot was offline.
  15. Wow... And that's cabooses VB noob language...
  16. 10/10
  17. I thought it was a timer, not randomized. EDIT: nvm, <script> var bgcolorlist=new Array("#0000FF", "#FF0000") document.bgColor=bgcolorlist[Math.floor(Math.random()*bgcolorlist.length)] </script>
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