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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. I know that error, Download this version of XPlorer: http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/xbox360pc/harddr...er360v0.9b2.rar
  2. No It's a ******* rating, you just posted a rating too, how can that possibly seem logical to you.
  3. http://www.illusionking.com/illusions/3-moving-patterns.jpg
  4. T3A guy


  5. T3A guy


  6. ROFLed
  7. What kind of hard drive does he have?
  8. I did
  9. T3A guy


  10. T3A guy


    Then you probably either haven't had an account on se7ensins or don't mod halo.
  11. T3A guy


    And dog calendars
  12. T3A guy


  13. T3A guy


  14. LOL 1/10, its just text. BTW, you also need to look at all my links, they're leet.
  15. LOL at eyes and awesome devil and angel, 7/10.
  16. Is it a shop or a skin?
  17. T3A guy

    1337 bot

    Ibotmodz bot will be my next target soon...
  18. Steven is owning us
  19. Mine, http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/68/46681119full.jpg
  20. Based on the problem I would assume you are using an outdated version of XPort, either update or switch to XPlorer 360. If you aren't using an outdated XPort then post what software you are using.
  21. Before DAP http://www.speedtest.net/result/489560723.png After DAP
  22. You're joking right?
  23. Why are you saying I deleted it? Now noobs are being noobs at me in the shoutbox. -.-
  24. ROFL at 1:21 and 2:20 and 3:17
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