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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. I wasn't offering to explain how to upload a file, I was asking someone to upload one. -.-
  2. Any night from 6-8 PM central would be nice.
  3. Nice post, but you might want to explain that 200 posts wont get them VIP (even though it should).
  4. T3A guy


  5. Love Pump?
  6. NICE ONE!!!
  7. You're supposed to make one.
  8. Awesome tank: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: Awesome Tank is awesome :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: Cat tank: :cat: KittyCow Omega LOLBOT: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: :lolbot: . . . . . . . .
  9. The awesome tank on accident: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4756/awesometankaccident.png
  10. http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/Halo3ODST/imagery/screenshots/medium/Halo3-ODST_Johnson-Firefight-3rdP-01.jpg It looks like the driver is sleeping.
  11. What is it?
  12. It says i have 800+
  13. Lulz, I have two windows systems.
  14. When it gets to narrow it just shows a line of spoilers.
  15. I am getting error 5002 by doing the following. Updating to V8.2 Opening iTunes Going to iTunes Store Clicking the Sign in button signing in with the correct information (I think) I am running Leopard with 2gb RAM.
  16. T3A guy


    Actually, if I was the leader I would take 7.
  17. I would like to join, but knowing you, you will probably not allow me.
  18. Who is your friend?
  19. Bleh, all of those kills were set up.
  20. Why do you put "Next i" and not just "Next"
  21. f5 will fix most of your problems.
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