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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Wow, good thing I saved ur joker one to imageshack
  2. Ya you were 34
  3. bump for the greater good
  4. bump for the greater good
  5. T3A guy

    Crazy Avatars

  6. T3A guy

    I has teh 500!

    IT'S OVER FIVE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Try to do something besides swaps pl0x.
  8. Oh whoops I'm 35 not 25 2 posts away from 34 though
  9. I don't see any rules for BST. What are the limits to what we can sell?
  10. Oh nvm I missed them lol. KD needs a mod position.
  11. #25 top 25 lol. BTW FE you're the highest ranking member that doesn't have a moderating position.
  12. He must be doing something in real life. He isn't on MSN.
  13. T3A guy

    The Pitt

    It wasn't a joke. http://eyesonfire.blogspot.com/2009/02/pit...super-bowl.html
  14. T3A guy

    Crazy Avatars

    The second one is.
  15. T3A guy

    Crazy Avatars

    If you found a crazy avatar or if your avater is crazy post it here. http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5964/avatarbody.png http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/3664/qfre.png
  16. Whao that looks freaky.
  17. My favorite Sligstorm quote =D
  18. Here is Quickkills post where he offers to do it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=9313 He has this picture in it. http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq95/quickkill0/marine_johnson_boss.jpg
  19. Someone L33T needs to make a online generator out of this.
  20. I think he's saying people need to stop leaching Edit: also there is only one person with over 5,000 posts and 15 with over 1,000
  21. T3A guy

    Site Banner.

    Why does melo's say "icorn" in the top right corner?
  22. Sounds good except isn't REQ basically BUY?
  23. Ya and you never have done that (especially not today)
  24. T3A_guy http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/04070306.png Andrew (first) http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/01141107.png William (middle) http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/09050201.png Lapp (last) http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/01080505.png Andrew Lapp http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/08181107.png Andrew William Lapp http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/12010715.png and just for fun kjwflehtjkffyekcjfbthjhfreukhfjekvhfjekwlvhjeklvfjkehjkwehfjrekw;hfuiea fjkelwq; jkrl;ej krel;w jklwj kle http://http//turnyournameintoaface.com/face/08180804.png
  25. Cool For regular users it is [color="#00cc33"]
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