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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy

    Crazy Avatars

    Sligstorm looks ghey. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/sligstorm/avatar-body.png
  2. T3A guy

    Funny law's

    It's illegal to pirate music in Nebraska. lol If you win a corn husking contest in Nebraska, you can choose any woman within a 500 foot radius to be your slave.
  3. But the addon is made by adobe I think.
  4. I think it is annoying how all videos on youtube have a blue background and look like it took them 5 seconds to make.
  5. T3A guy

    Lost Planet 2

    I didn't like how if you were shot once you couldn't move. IDK maybe they fixed that. Last time I played was a long time ago.
  6. T3A guy


    What is the random box in front of his head?
  7. T3A guy

    Crazy Avatars

    Kay this isn't show off your avatars its crazy and L33T avatars only. For showoff go here http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=11444
  8. Wow everyone is copying me and Melee
  9. T3A guy

    Funny law's

    In Nebraska you could be fined up to $500 for not carrying a cob of corn with you. JK But it really is illegal to sneeze in churches here.
  10. In England a bed may not be hung out of a window.
  11. Halodud hasn't done anything to help the community. We need to get DarkieMcSparkie a dev kit.
  12. In Alabama you can't play dominoes on Sunday.
  13. 0_o Aren't we selling illegal stuff in BST anyway?
  14. The amount you're trying to send exceeds your $0.00 USD sending limit. Find out how to lift your sending limit and make unlimited payments through PayPal.
  15. If only everyone on ibotmodz donated $0.11
  16. Is that sarcasm or has he actually made a lot of money? I would donate 30 if my damn paypal would work.
  17. Close enough. http://www.herbalinfusions.ca/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/henry-hatsworth-in-the-puzzling-adventure-20081217021557659_640w.jpg
  18. Oh well. I just right click the picture>view picture then copy the picture ID then go back and paste it in as the user ID
  19. Welcome. You have more posts that 7,000 members already But you should post here. Then read the rules.
  20. I have noticed that you see an image of people who visited your profile but there isn't a name. Is this just for me or is there a reason for this?
  21. Cuz it is L33T
  22. I can top that. http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/OPE/15027~Iced-Tea-II-Posters.jpg
  23. T3A guy

    Crazy Avatars

    Yep it is. Here is your monopoly one (both on imageshack) http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/8603/monopoly.png
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