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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. PFROTCTMIALKS - People For Removal Of The Censors That Make Ibotmodz A Little Kiddie Site Put this in your sig, or risk even more words being censored. Such as: is turned into ***y and even <img src="http://www.t-arty.com/images/designslarge/new guy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> is turned into new guy So please put the following code into your signature: [acronym='People For Removal Of The Censors That Make Ibotmodz A Little Kiddie Site'][color=blue][url="http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=12486"][size="4"]PFROTCTMIALKS[/size][/url][/color][/acronym] Which will come out as: PFROTCTMIALKS I can understand curse words being censored, but n@@b? s3xy? p00p? Come on...
  2. T3A guy


    Level 4 is ***y.
  3. T3A guy


    620 FTW
  4. Ads make it so peaches can make some money off the site.
  5. Any idea what form of encryption it has?
  6. Sometimes hes gay, but he's usually cool.
  7. Can't we all just make our own accounts?
  8. T3A guy

    5$ Contest

    It is 4 different problems.
  9. He will buy a more expensive boat that isn't any better.
  10. T3A guy

    Fun links

  11. T3A guy

    5$ Contest

  12. T3A guy

    5$ Contest

    Solve this and you win $5. I may add more puzzles if they aren't solved in a certain period of time. * S=(1/2)(0.43242)^(n-1) * 3^(3^6) * a^a, a= b/2, b=c*7, c=55 * pie*pie
  13. 1. You need to google Series, which the "S" stands for. 2. No? I solved it. 3. Exact amount pl0x.
  14. noob
  15. Solve this and you win $5. I may add more puzzles if they aren't solved in a certain period of time. S=(1/2)(0.43242)^(n-1) 3^(3^6) a^a, a= b/2, b=c*7, c=55 pie*pie
  16. FAIL!
  17. Yeah, you pronounce mine tea guy...
  18. This is getting annoying and is not funny. It is just the usermap structure research by Shade45 with the word cat put in it randomly. Please close this.
  19. This looks eerily similar to halo 3 map research...
  20. T3A guy


    LOL, so I was teamviewing JUSTREC and he couldn't switch sides for some reason so I teamviewed him and this was the effect. http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8831/lolwtfw.png
  21. Does anyone wanna upload a con file from halowars?
  22. Okay, thanks for installing. How do I prune, ban and unban people?
  23. No I have FTP acess to it and all its files. I'm using .
  24. I don't see what is in appropriate about a gay relationship network.
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