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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. It wouldn't work.
  2. Thanks, I'll prolly use at least one of these. This one: Here is a good one I do. At school in computers class hold down the right shift key for about 10 seconds on someone elses computer and it will lock their keys. To undo it, then hold shift for 10 seconds again. Another is shift alt prtscr. My final one is type this into someones browser java script:while(1==1){alert("ENTER YOUR MESSAGE HERE");}(remove the space between java and script.
  4. You aren't funny. You don't need to carry on a joke that wasn't that funny from 2 hours ago.
  5. I think this would be a good idea. Staff could just say "Take this to the debate section".
  6. Could we have a literature section in VIP please. There are a couple of books I want to post and there are a few books that have already been posted. Thanks.
  7. "Asian Asshalo" 3/30/09 http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3339/hofe.png
  8. Wow, lol 2002
  9. T3A guy

    He got VIP before he had 200 posts cuz he is just that cool, like eazyb.
  10. How do you know that they are the same virus?
  11. It isn't guaranteed to activate April 1st, but it is likely according to 60 minutes/CBS. Here is one way to remove it: http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/remove-conficker
  12. 1970 millions commit suicide because they don't have a funny year anymore.
  13. Yeah Quickkill, go "Jam Your Ram".
  14. 1968 - Liberal stundent rioted cuz they were ghey.
  15. T3A guy


    Yep C# is for people who like men.
  16. T3A guy


    Nice job stealing and leaking my codes -.- Cout >> "Caboose leaks my codes" Caboose you should just sleep(10000000000000000000000000000000);
  17. http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6120/iconatore27e79262661fp4.gif
  18. T3A guy

    Flame head

    So L33T.
  19. Remember to put [color=blue][url="http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=12486"][size="4"]PFROTCTMIALKS[/size][/url][/color] in your sig.
  20. Isn't that the staffs job?
  21. I said in the main post that I was for censoring the f word and real cuss words, but I am against stuff like censoring n@@b and s3xy
  22. Yes, I agree that this topic is *** and quite *****... oh god! ITS HAPPENING! ALL ** THE WORDS IN *** DICTIONARY ARE BECOMMING CENSORED!
  23. Put it in your sig
  24. Caboose you "new guy" make your sig size 4. Also, you pronounce PFROTCTMIALKS like this: puffer-ota-cat-my-alks
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