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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. I'll sell my IBM faceplat for 30$
  2. T3A guy

    Forum Changes

    Okay then, I would like to input that I like the first images style better.
  3. it's melo with auto correct on.
  4. LOL then why is it even there?
  5. T3A guy

    Covie Kicker

    At least you got some decent fonts ^^
  6. I was a old member. I remember when slip was a good mod, we ha the old skin, startreck or whatever chatbox that would glitch so bad, when halo 2 was actually played and when we got hacked. The number 1 IBM veteran is memo IMO.
  7. Not rly...
  8. So you're leaving or just declaring that you're retired?
  9. T3A guy

    Forum Changes

    Are you saying we have those options or that your going to chose one of those?
  10. T3A guy

    Covie Kicker

    LOL, a screenshot cropped with text added?
  11. Swine fighter
  12. Jk?
  13. You guys should think about this and then close this thread.
  14. How rehearsed.
  15. /close
  16. No
  17. LOL, I think your being sarcastic, but the first time I saw he spambots post I said the same thing.
  18. T3A guy


    U get a cookie, but it is really dark and burnt like ur picture.
  19. T3A guy

    New Staff

    If you have a mod per 1000 people you should add KD and Steven.
  20. I thought firearms couldn't be sold on ebay?
  21. Wait... So you're getting rid of gfx and adding prg right?
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