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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. LOL
  2. Your supposed to sign your real name.,,
  3. http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9952/antisemitism.png That link: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/1968/deletemenot34hf4.jpg
  4. aloud - using the voice; not silently; "please read the passage aloud"; "he laughed out loud" allowed - means "having permission": His boss allowed him to take the weekend off.
  5. *allowed.
  6. T3A guy

    Post ur eggs

  7. Is this real?
  8. Your welcome for teaching you how to use KompoZer with a "z"
  9. T3A guy

    my new pet

  10. Cannot Be Displayed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSFMsWZWGEs
  11. FŔĘĐ = ĘƲļĽ ************************ watch?v=eHs-_S8u53o ************************ POST IT ON FRED VIDEOS!
  12. Cannot Be Displayed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHs-_S8u53o I'm mirroring this to my 1000+ subscriber channel.
  13. T3A guy

    my new pet

    Spoiler: http://dragcave.net/image/cxuj.gif
  14. I know why you're mad. It's because your egg died. It's okay, I got you a new one! | V
  15. DO MINE! My GT is "Click T3A_guys Eggs".
  16. bump
  17. Hey, I was wondering if there was a program that let me add watermarks. This would be a lot easier than doing it manually in GIMP. Thanks for the help.
  18. Make one saying "Click T3A_guys Eggs"
  19. Do you allow ?
  20. Do you have an abuse department that will ban you for installing a chatbox on your forum?
  21. http://epistemicgames.org/eg/wp-content/uploads/gns/sneak_king.jpg
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