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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Poor me black and pargi
  2. T3A guy

    Project Natal

    I bet they won't have it working before 2010.
  3. http://www.speedtest.net/result/489363926.png
  4. JUSTREC failed SOOO HARD!!! http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2588/peaches-failk32.png
  5. http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2588/moooooo.png
  6. Test: so_hard - so hard coc_ks - cocks
  7. T3A guy

    Yo Dawg,

    Macs are like vasectomies according to you.
  8. I wouldn't want it personally. I think it would put too much pressure on kids.
  9. T3A guy

    Yo Dawg,

    That may be my next computer.
  10. 6/10 I like the transparent png bunny ears.
  11. skids give diet lulz
  12. @Xpargas, he used MS paint. lol
  13. T3A guy

    Avatar Crap

    do #000000 and #FFFFFF
  14. T3A guy

    Yo Dawg,

  15. T3A guy

    Yo Dawg,

    Use Hackintosh.
  16. T3A guy

    Yo Dawg,

    Yo dawg, i heard you like Halo 3 Modding, so I put iBotModz in safari in an iPhone in a Mac so you can mod Halo 3 while you browse iBotModz while you browse the internet while you play on your iPhone while you play on your computer. http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1456/picture1zga.png
  17. T3A guy

    RAM Edits

    The first line of the topic .
  18. T3A guy

    Vanity 2.0

    Don't be so ******* him, it's his first post so he probably didn't mean to quote you.
  19. 2058, IPB3 is finally released.
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