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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy


    Thats $5700 USD.
  2. Demo modding involves buying a new special xbox that has the capability to run a modified xex file. This xex or Xbox EXexutable eliminates all map checks allowing modified maps to be played. Data hashing isn't transferring the files from your computer to xbox harddrive, it is part of the process you take to make a map playable once transferred. If you want one on one help you can contact me on MSN (mikesmith8329@hotmail.com) or AIM (t3aguy).
  3. 45 years ago that would have worked.
  4. http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/8947/quotechatbox0001.png Looking at all these quotes I feel like an outcast using the default theme.
  5. One small problem: The banned user in the userlog isn't easily visible.
  6. First VIP comment.
  7. Small problem, the banned users in the user key isn't very visible.
  8. Stole the one I posted in the shout >.>
  9. I think in entity you can edit the bridges characteristics, if not try it in ADI.
  11. Ends when ipb3 comes out or 4th of July.
  12. Open source certainly helped non-developer computer users but does it hurt developers so much that it isn't worth it? Debate.
  13. He probably did it for teh lulz.
  14. So i could put [name=t3a]Title[/name] fdjksf adsf dsa fd saf dsa fdsa fd asf dsa fdas fd saf sd fsda fd saf dsa fas fsa [anchor=t3a]click to go to title[/anchor] ?
  15. http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/454/1004504f.jpg
  16. King of the Kill Fam Guy American Dad Futurama 1v100
  17. So it sends them to the top?
  18. What number is this?
  19. I will survive
  20. Number three be purdey.
  21. T3A guy


    i loled
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