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Everything posted by sillybob123

  1. Hey ash make sure both ends of the cable are connected properly one in USB port and one in the small socket on the xsata/xport plus if you are on vista you must right click xplorer 360 and run as administrator hope that helps any other problems ask
  2. phew i thought i had lost the best website in the world forver
  3. ye dude i agree with these guys imagine the complete spam coming from newbies to the forum
  4. hey dude thanks for these they can really help the people without the armors like slipstream said better hope there accurate
  5. OMG DuDe that looks AMAZING but i lost my halo 2
  7. describe ure weirdest ever experience on halo
  8. whats with the random questions ?? everywhere whereevers cheaper
  9. hey i have installed media browser on my laptop and accsed it on my xbox but i cant type web address in with it any help please?
  10. fire away
  11. nowhere lol other than buttholes
  12. its k dude do, just do it when you can
  13. wow dude these should really improve the site
  14. hey this does the same thing www.avlandesign.com/br/convert_video_to ... ed_gif.htm
  15. yes go to http://www.forgehub.com and view the tutorials on the left hand side hope tht helps
  16. make sure you use superaisons resigner on XP not vista
  17. wow 0.0 there all pretty good dude
  18. i think its just a compatability issue
  19. old news dan this happens alot your gunna get the same replys "its a lag glitch" "maybe bungie are watching you" "YOU SHOULD OF LEFT THEY COULD HAVE BEEN H4X0RZ" etc....
  20. looks ok dude just remember topic template next time
  21. No u dont do u? i thought that was right muh! bully lol
  22. ye same there is no video whats going on????
  23. wow amazing dude thanks
  24. looks good dude i cant really think of anything for it though sos
  25. wow dude thanks for the information it seems like i should say welcome to the forums and that if u stick with posts like these u could become pretty popular
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