i think what ure idea is that u get 2 xbox's with 2 accounts on each xboxlive accounts then have bth of them connected to live search on arabic and walla ure with both ure xbox's so just keep boosting i have 4 xbox's so ranked team slayer
LHSandtrap http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/download/file.php?id=1495&t=1 Made by Sillybob123 aka Leethax0r$$ Post written up by Sillybob123 of iBotModz.net Features: Davinci Code Eggs Elite Clones 3 Frigates Sandbag Walls Grav Lifts 16 elephants Bugs -slightly overloaded but only visible in very hard to find spot so just about fine! Pictures -Overview: Frigate Main: Frigate A: Frigate B: Frigate Engines(people seem to like them so here they are =]) Eggs: Elephants: Sandbag Walls: Darkness: Video I have a capture card but i need a usb extension cable so if anyone has one please record a video for me thx Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. Sillybob123 of iBotModz.net ---------Plz remember to give + rep thanks
whats with you ed oooo my friend sillybob123 can do this and that all your doing is just trying to rev your posts up, on topic: yes i can mod gamerscore and im sure lots of other people can i like doing it for just the comleted game for things such as guitar hero so i get all the songs i dont really worry about the achievments
omg dude some of them are sweet i love the cant finish the fight one i know i have had my fair share of the RROD (4 times 4 xbox's one broke after 3 days!)