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Everything posted by sillybob123

  1. i drew this on paint.net so lines aren't perfect but I'm really proud of it color version is on my sig
  2. killer skittle ill make you one now
  3. i'll help sillybob123
  4. sillybob123

    my picture

    hi this is the pic
  5. hey dude can i add you ?
  6. 3 letters 1 word : lol Beat you! yer it kinda pathetic that you are doing it but i guess thats what makes it cool!
  7. there are hundreds of people with resigners but only people that the originals have trusted's friends etc..
  8. whats my profile id
  9. :l sad... pyro rules your life then does he, who's the hole and who's the pole
  10. its not a virus i scanned it with virus total all it is an un closeable pop up saying "Hacked *@%$#$" easy to stop dont download
  11. yes can you please please please give me an invite code!
  12. the picture is attached
  13. i tried to put in a .map file from soft mods and it came up with these codes maybe its old halo 2? i could give a screenshot
  14. im probably being an idiot but i have been looking at the talk about the resigner and its BiG i dont wanna be the person (if its real which i doubt it is) to release it
  15. hi i have found this resigner by prey dunno if it is old i was just wondering if anyone can give me some info on it if not i can send it to peaches to check it out
  16. hi can i get the ghosttown mod adn that forge in custom games or is it a glitch?
  17. i doubt anyone is ever going to leak one... i no they are leaking bits but a whole working resigner i dont know....
  18. no i want to get to know some modders to learn from them and better my knowledge and eventually (this is not even near certain) have them begin to trust me enough so much that they will resign a map for me
  19. unfortunatley : I i kinda knew that just wondering is there were anyone here who i could get to know show the i could be trusted it is my dream to mod
  20. again this has probably been asked but here goes , i have all the stuff and know how to mod i now just need someone kind enough to resign maps for me you may have to describe where i get i think its called a profile id etc... though, sorry any help is greatly appreciated
  21. who "resgins" your mods?
  22. hey guys thanks soooo much that has cleared alot up for me but do you think i would be able to find someone with a resigner who would "resign" for me? is so do you know who would do this
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