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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. PC, I feel like Macs don't give you enough freedom.
  2. What are you doing that would make you dress like that? Airsoft?
  3. Nice collection, I'll download. Almost all of my halo content is modded, I think I have around 110 maps on my 360 and some more on my pc.
  4. What was it about? I got a email and it said something about October 10th updates or something. If that was it then yes I got it.
  5. I loled at some of them. I don't get this one. "Yo Momma's so fat, when she plays rumble pit, everyone else gets 100% accuracy."
  6. http://www.speedtest.net/result/588453929.png http://www.pingtest.net/result/695239.png
  7. I'm not sure about this, but I'm pretty sure you can't use AI on a 360.
  8. I haven't scanned or tried this, but just by that sentence I can tell it's not good. If it's a legit program why'd you need crypt it. I'm going to assume that either A) You decided to start spreading a virus on IBM B) This isn't your account or C) This is legit, but your just retarded.
  9. I have 2/20 and they're both the same person just he couldn't seem to get the first account to sign in so I invited him on another email.
  10. I only have 151 ptz. Nobody seems to need invites so I'm only a normal member.
  11. Quinn For Teh Adminz!
  12. lol is that one of the gorillas from Sierra 117?
  13. test?
  14. Can't you just buy it using your paypal?
  15. You get the achievement when you start data hive if you haven't killed any engineers while playing as the rookie.
  16. Does it count if you were exp banned for like 2 weeks?
  17. If you say so but, why? Edit: I can't for some reason. It says "rating failed."
  18. Pm sent
  19. I saw this and kayne is a dick. Even if he thought that he shouldn't have done that.
  20. Random1225

    ODST Sig

    It'd be a lot better if I could tell what was in the picture.
  21. I'm gonna sit on my roof and watch either A) the world die or B)all the people freak out over nothing. Depends what happens.
  22. I used to have these, but the town I moved to has really poor schools so we don't even have that here since there aren't enough computers. I would just read big books worth a lot so I could cover the weeks ahead. Also take test on books you've read in the past. If your lucky you'll pass.
  23. Nope. I think it might have been someone in the party was. It was weird because I could watch like 3 r rated movies, but all the other ones said you cannot watch with the party.
  24. I did this a couple of days ago with my friend. Though netflix is so gay on the xbox. I can't watch rated R movies past like 8pm if I'm in a party.
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