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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. I listen to alot of metal and I listened to a few of their songs and they're an ok band.
  2. Random1225

    The Pitt

    I want to see a dlc with ocean and we all know California would pwn both those.
  3. It looks pretty nice. I think V1 is better and I don't really like the border on V2 and 3, but that might just be me.
  4. I don't have vista on my pc right now so I can't check if it's a problem with vista, but some pics would be nice.
  5. My brother was watching that and I saw her too. She just looked like a pretty "normal" lady. I guess it kinda depends what kind of normal person has multiple cats that cost 2,000 dollars or something.
  6. That link doesn't work. It says I get a 403 error. It says I don't have permission to view the file.
  7. No problem and thanks for the mirror.
  8. 2d 10h 28m 59s I haven't been on that much the past few days.
  9. I don't think any of the released xports/xplorers are compatible with a 60 GB. I'm pretty sure there's a way to do it but idk.
  10. Dang, how many headshots did you have at the end?
  11. I don't think it's been done yet and I don't think you can. Also I don't think he's still doing this since he recently left the community.
  12. I thought like everyone had this yet people keep downloading. What's up with that?
  13. lucky, I still gotta wait a couple days until they come out in the US.
  14. Ya that's definitely a scam. Now way anyone would pay $1000 for it then sell it for 1.
  15. k that'd be great slip.
  16. I'm running xp, but my comp came with both.
  17. Can't you just throw down a bunch of trip mines to overload the map?
  18. No problem. It used to be posted, but I guess it got removed so some people didn't get it.
  19. lol, I meant you, but I guess I spaced out or something.
  20. Thanks KD that fixed it and thanks anyways Slidell.
  21. Ok, I just got a new computer and I turned it on and everything works. I've got 1 problem though. The icons, windows, and taskbar are HUGE! I can't even fit a whole video on youtube in the browser. Is there anyway I can edit this in setting or something?
  22. That doesn't work does it? because if it does you are a god.
  23. I checked around and I didn't see anyplace I could rent it and I don't think I'll buy so I can't help.
  24. Random1225


    He wants the Mythic map pack so he can play and mod them on his dev. Which I don't think anyone here (besides halodude) has.
  25. I don't see why he would need a therapist and a mod should lock this its getting to off-topic and to many people are flaming.
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