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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. lol we definitely have the best off topic section on the internet. BTW I just walked into my bathroom and I swear some just dropped "What The Hell Died In Here?" s***.
  2. lol that's why I play fallout.
  3. I think we should have a programming section in IPB3. It would also give us a place to put stuff like this.
  4. Ok, I got my new computer and I was using a wireless connection for a while and I noticed that my other computer had a Mbps through a Ethernet cable that was twice as high as my wireless. I decided to plug my new PC into the router. Now here's the problem. It says I am connected, but I can't connect to the internet. I made sure it was enabled, but I still get the error. Anyone know what I need to do?
  5. I won't let you pass me up. Watch out buddah only one more post.
  6. lol that's not shopped. You crazy.
  7. He probably isn't because since we can't do it it's cool while other people who can think it's stupid.
  8. He got demoted from VIP and I'm pretty sure he's getting banned from live.
  9. Xbox or Xbox 360? Also if it's for Xbox 360 you need a flashed drive t play burned games and I don't remember if I'm allowed to post links so I'll pm you.
  10. Random1225


    omg haro just esploded. hmmm... I wonder if that would happen if you shot haro.
  11. Even if it's fake it still looks cool.
  12. I think I asked you this a while ago, but I forget, which directory do I put this in?
  13. I looked through the topic and I didn't see his post. Are you sure it's there?
  14. That won't work. You can't resign live files.
  15. Come on v3nom seriously. You just had to take the account. I mean really.
  16. Kinda random, but whatever. Any way, what kind of objects can you spawn.
  17. lol ya, MS should just give up already, but they never will.
  18. I'm pretty sure th golf club is like a skinned grav hammer. I wish I had the maps.
  19. That's what I thought, bu I felt like asking just to be sure.
  20. That's pretty cool, but what's with the pauses?
  21. Do you have a working kv? Is it a film of matchmaking? Also sometimes films just don't work so try it with a new film and see if it works.
  22. Ya as long as it's not to noticeable they can't tell because it'll say you got them offline. About 500 in a day isn't very noticeable, but you can make it as big as you want.
  23. Thanks epsilon and let MFone download the maps first since my connection isn't that good and it'll take longer.
  24. I'm pretty sure most of 360gamesaves's gamesaves got leaked.
  25. lol I hate you guys. I started making one of these but then I got bored and ended up just blowing stuff up.
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