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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. Ya I had a problem like that, because I thought the .bak was the map. It just that when you use a hex editor to edit a map it saves a backup of the file called "Usermap000000000".bak which is meant to be used if something went wrong with the file you'd have a backup of the original.
  2. oh kk, I wasn't sure if it was killhouse or the first mission.
  3. lol he looked retarded. He was on the first mission right.
  4. Ya it was most likely that the cloud froze it, but also if you have too much stuff it can freeze. I tried to make a map with like 1000 clones and it wouldn't play at all.
  5. What console is this game for? Edit: Nvm I didn't see what section it was in.
  6. It was a pretty cool movie though the end is predictable after seeing about an hour of it. Other then that it was pretty good.
  7. I get it out June 12, not sure how many days that is though. I'm to lazy.
  8. bye i guess, but just so you know you'll probably be back. Pretty much everyone who leaves never does. They all come back for some reason. It's like really if your gonna go then go, but otherwise sorry to see ya go so umm ya.
  9. Random1225


  10. Random1225


  11. Pro-choice, If they don't want a baby then why should they have to have a baby. What if they can't support a baby and it starves to death. We can then thanks people against abortion for that. It might but it doesn't have to
  12. oh, kk, I went and googled it and all I found was that it came out already then got bored.
  13. How come it shows the vip forum that only normal members see? I can't seem recreate that pic without editing the picture. Edit: Also who here actually uses se7en sins? I have an account but I rarely use it.
  14. oh I forgot to say. but my gt is General Pretzle
  15. Why would any read a topic like thALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
  16. So is it like a sequel to Chaos;Head, but for the 360?
  17. Looks pretty cool except I don't know why, but the center text bugs me. I want to say you need to change something, but I don't know what.
  18. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/General%20Pretzle/avatar-body.png
  19. Lost Fringe Spiral Mythbusters Pokemon
  20. lol I saw a tut for this a while ago and I was like "wtf is brain****" then I tried to understand it just a little and it ****** my brain.
  21. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/Untitled-9.png
  22. lol t3a this was posted 2 years ago. I doubt he's even still doing this.
  23. Peaches what's the program you covered up? Hidning something lol?
  24. 360 Games: 1. Oblivion 2. Halo 3 3. COD 4 4. GTA 4 5. Gears 1 & 2 Fav. Games of All time: 1. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time for the N64 2. Tales of Symphonia 3. Oblivion 4. Halo Series 5. Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 6. Super Smash Bros Melee 7. Pokemon (Pokemon kicks ass) 8. Legend of Zelda (all the other ones except Wind Waker) 9. Gears 1 & 2 10. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the Game cube
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