We do have a valid reason. We earned it! You didn't you simply asked for it. And your right it is fishy. That's the whole point, to make you guys wonder.
Well as most of you know we are pretty much revolting against Slip. I am going to try my best to keep you guys VIP even if it means sacrificing my VIP. Now I would like you all to most either your MSN or AIM here so you can help me. I can't do this by myself.
1. I'm active almost everyday all day. Mostly over 50 hours a week. 2. I contribute to the site a lot by helping members. 3. I have been here for a long time and deserve VIP. I've been one of the nicest members ever since I've changed as well I help every member that needs help.
I was bored and had some inspiration on the plain ride home. I was listening to Paramore as well so here it is. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/paramoretag.png
I was not pwned. What if he's lying. I remember the old me. I used to get banned all the time and I used to say I didn't do it. Ever think of that? Also even if he says the IP's aren't the same we can run a proxy check on the IP. This is why we should have a debate forum.
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