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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. K ill add both of them in a day or two but i am feeling ******* lazy after my first day of school
  2. Koolie-o's
  3. Thank You
  4. Ya good brain type booking learning thinking What ever that means
  5. Dun Double post use the edit button next time http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif
  6. Nice, But Wheres firefox oh and stick this
  7. Yes a 7 gig 1 file because if there's an error downloading your half to start again
  8. Can i haz please
  9. Arm Pit Hair
  10. Lol Its Patched
  11. For What Games?
  12. @ Dakote Thanks for the lol of my day
  13. All of those points are true.
  14. May i sug: How Bout Extract parts of the con
  15. BTKC124

    Forge 2.6

    Cool Thanks
  16. WTF does that have do with anything?
  17. BTKC124

    Forge 2.6

    Any One Have A UnBanned Kv i Can has ill Give you a Cookie and a +Rep! Ohh And i +Rep u pargy And You Should Add Some Pics And More Text!
  19. With Water Or Halo 3 Flood?
  20. http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/128954451268422382.jpg
  21. Wow. Thats Gay Block Communications And Lawl's Because he is a Member !
  22. What did you do?
  23. Never Mind
  24. Seriousley i think he should be unbanned in like a week
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