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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. but wait has anyone been banned for it cause maybe you have been flagged but not banned yet
  2. thanks
  3. Well i get banned if i mod my gamertag then in like 2 days mod it back i know you can but do you get flagged automatic and if i make a silver account mod it add some friends delete the account will i get banned also if i do get banned will it be concol of account or both?
  4. is it avalible in canada?
  5. Well if your right it is incredible slow for there best package and on speed test it said it was about 20% of my isp average that makes no sence if it is the best pacage that my isp offers
  6. ok i am paying $50 for internet at bell it is spouse to be 16 MB Download & 1 MB Upload But it realy is: %5Burl=http%3A//www.speedtest.net/result/564911244.png%5Dhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/564911244.png[/url] The best i have seen it is 1.20 Dl & 0.50 upload any ideas oh here is my internet plan Bell Internet - Compare Bell High Speed Internet services- bell.ca Max 16
  7. Thank You I did not get it
  8. it was a joke but it would be like negitive reping peaches and have the comment say"Fail -Sidell"
  9. Never mind i found it and i ment if i bought the update when it first came out and i install it to my ipod and i cant find the file to jailbrake it
  10. Not realy there is lot of people who want to brake there 3.0 LEGIT firmware so its not
  11. How to jailbrake 3.0 firmware if you bought it 100% by me and its a quick tut so keep that in mind so if you bought it and installed it and how you can't find heres what you do 1) get win rar 2) go to " C:\Users\***User name here***\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates " 3) extract 2 desktop 4) follow this tut by Redstar105 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/14785-how-to-jailbreak-3-0-firmware/ 5) give me and redstar your repz OR IT WILL NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 6) ignore #5 & 6 Btw i know i spelled break wrong.
  12. wut?
  13. hay what if i bought the 3.0 update and i cant find it....
  14. Ya i know it epic win Lolz i am joking
  15. The Time Where you find cortana and then she finally STFU And then you can injoye the last level in peace
  16. I like how it has your address in the letter And what window do you keep unlocked _ Maybe He Used this to make it http://cgi.ebay.com/Ultimate-Custom-Xbox-XD-3-Extreme-Edition_W0QQitemZ330357999925QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item4ceadf0935&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14
  17. i did not want to call any 1 a vouch
  18. i will give you like 50 rep if you do it for me! (:
  19. Voutch!
  20. k i am a youtube nub i will give u +5 Rep To the first person to tell me how to apply them
  21. This Should Be Stuck And PM'd To Every New Member
  22. BTKC124


    Warez ftw
  23. i Negitve Repped People and left comments of other peoples names Lol J/k Good idea tho
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