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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. thanks slipie but would that have the same effect if i just ogt reade of the router?
  2. BTKC124

    LostModz Gift

  3. BTKC124

    LostModz Gift

    V1 http://i37.tinypic.com/e7aqdh.jpg [img=http://i37.tinypic.com/e7aqdh.jpg] V2 http://i36.tinypic.com/qqbcya.jpg [img=http://i36.tinypic.com/qqbcya.jpg] V3 http://i36.tinypic.com/2yo2y43.jpg [img=http://i36.tinypic.com/2yo2y43.jpg]
  4. ya its a linksys it is 6 months old and costs about 200$ ,i have done tons of trouble shoting and i dont think its the cause becasue OLD Internet W/O Router : 1 Jitter With Router: 1 Jitter And its the same with my new internet but way higher jitter
  5. ok i am very lost i upgraded my internet by switiching isps my old one had bad upload and download (It would NOT lag if the game had a good host) and my pings ok but now with my new internet my upload and download are amzing but my pings ****** eairley today my jitter was at like 20+ and now my jitters down to like 2 but the packet loss is at 4 - 9% i am switching back and forth on my xbox and the one with shit bandwith i play better on! so i need to fix my ping shit so i can play good with my faster connection oh and my old one was DSL throught phonelines and my new one i cable
  6. Go to http://www.xbox360iso.com/
  7. Ya that too, i would love to see there bandwith
  8. its not a bandwidth hog and warez bb has over 1 million members and ibm has a little over 10000
  9. Has nothing to do!
  10. Has nothing to do!
  11. Has nothing to do!
  12. Has nothing to do!
  13. Has nothing to do!
  14. Has nothing to do!
  15. Has nothing to do!
  16. http://i37.tinypic.com/sc7575.jpg [img=http://i37.tinypic.com/sc7575.jpg]
  17. I like the text in the cornor
  18. i like the idea of donors getting no ads because at the end of the day web hosting is not free so we (IBotmodz) need to make that money some time All people - Get Money from adding them Donor - get money from them there for no adds!
  19. i think you got my name wrong ^__^ But thanks i <3 it
  20. will it ever get added back?
  21. yeah that happend to me then like 2 weeks later it broke, Btw is it a hp? Ok heres how to fix it Ctrl + alt + Delete Task Manager then go to proccesses and end "explorer.exe" (Like Lockon Stratos said) then go to applications click new tast type in explorer.exe Now wait a couple of seconds and then it should start like when you turn it on
  22. What happend to the thing witch had my recent rep?
  23. That is insane
  24. Thats true but NO matter how much you try to prevent it from spreeding it will be AND I DID NOT -REP YOU
  25. Peaches You should stick this for teh lolz
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