it was posted in my old request topic. but since no one posted in it for like 6 months it was a bump and IDecatur (and rightfully so) locked it but i made him it any way [img=] [img=]
k i bought a MU 2 mod my gamertag but when i open xplorer 360 it does not load i tryed installing drivers but they dont work P.S. i am using a transfer cable it works with my harddive 2 and it fits in the MU perfectley oh also its offical 360 mu
Wait heres my second interpition Put profile on mu take mu out with 360 on mod profile on mu put mu in hard drive sign in a guest my gamertag is modded i take out mu put no modded profile on it now go back to 360 and everyone sees my modded gamertag but it is still the same on my 360 is that right?