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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. Glad u like it but i haz 2 say u rep fail!
  2. xThroned T h R o N e D o Throned z x Throned z Throned z
  3. Have you tried it? i know i have and IT DOES NOT WORK if you can get it to work make some pics or a video on how to do it
  4. Coolie-os Next time i see something ill post it
  5. Does not work!
  6. ya pretty mush FE but i text i did in the last 10 seconds and its not smudging it was the wave tool
  7. u dun get were i am coming from if every body think it sucks because the concept (Bluring, Render ect) i am not spending 2 more hours finishing it
  8. i r happy tea guy r un banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. its not my finsh i was just seeing what people think before i go working with the background and text ect...
  10. it was posted in my old request topic. but since no one posted in it for like 6 months it was a bump and IDecatur (and rightfully so) locked it but i made him it any way http://i38.tinypic.com/5mbswo.jpg [img=http://i38.tinypic.com/5mbswo.jpg] http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6534/giftoy.jpg [img=http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6534/giftoy.jpg]
  11. http://i38.tinypic.com/oa40tj.jpg Proof it r mine http://i33.tinypic.com/2yll4pj.jpg So what do you think???
  12. Hay could i please have 1
  13. LOL adding Btw can u un-ban me from BS
  14. Sry thats what i am using little typo
  15. k i bought a MU 2 mod my gamertag but when i open xplorer 360 it does not load i tryed installing drivers but they dont work P.S. i am using a transfer cable it works with my harddive 2 and it fits in the MU perfectley oh also its offical 360 mu
  16. ya P.S. i am updateing nao
  17. Adding both
  18. Never mind
  19. lol put a ipod in it so you will know who it i 4 sure
  20. whats a p20
  21. wow that suckssssssssss
  22. Wait heres my second interpition Put profile on mu take mu out with 360 on mod profile on mu put mu in hard drive sign in a guest my gamertag is modded i take out mu put no modded profile on it now go back to 360 and everyone sees my modded gamertag but it is still the same on my 360 is that right?
  23. So Harddrive acc = Non-Modded And MU Acc = Modded so i sign in on Mu acc then Harddrive acc then back to Mu acc
  24. BUMP
  25. Numbers Sent
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