Features look good, the games list is already more extensive then Modio's (VIP even) I'll probably drop $25 more because I like to see things grow, not because of the tools. That and a Rise Against song was used in the vid.
Windows 7, so I can has the latest upgrades for mah kung foo. Also I needed the ultimate edition because I needed to learn the 32 languages it come with!
I don't want to join, for two reasons: 1. I played Halo 3 multiplayer for the first time in about a year last night (1vs1, against Dark Legacy OC)(gametype was swat) and the game turned out with about a 2:1 ratio (in Legacy's favor) 2. I don't know if I can make it that night
I called them. I said I had a 360 arcade (which I do). I said I had bought a 20gb hdd (true) a while back because the memory card just wasn't doing it for me (true). I then told them I had bought a 120gb hdd off of ebay (true again) and that I needed to transfer my stuff from hdd to hdd. They sent me one. It never came. They sent me another. It never came. They sent me another. It came 4 weeks after they said it would. Your honestly better off getting a XSata or XPort.
I too am a Zune fan. I have a Zune. I use the Zune player on the pc every day. I want a Zune HD. It dominates the IPod touch right now. (I went to a demonstration/side by side comparison of the two) BUT.... Unfortunately I have no doubt that Apple will come out with a new gen of touchs, which will, in turn, dominate the Zune HD.