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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Its proven that AMD Phenom IIs perform better with games then I7s do. But I7s are better for other things that need raw power
  2. My xbox got banned too MW2 sexbox, here I come!
  3. No ban for me, backups is all I play
  4. Have a dev? You might be able to do something
  5. When your on MSN sometime I'll TV and see if I can help
  6. "I just" Google: I just call you mine lyrics Yahoo: I just died in your arms tonight Yahoo wins cause that song is teh first time I heard it was actually on GTA: Vice City. Pretty sexy song
  7. Shit he fixed it first
  8. Quinn


    Yeah, pretty much
  9. Quinn


    I made it a few weeks ago, in my massive amount of spare time http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/zavagnqu/Zombiesaintgotshit.png
  10. "Google" Google: Google Maps Yahoo: Google Maps Well that one was no fun
  11. "How Could They" Google: how could they determine what the isolated gene did Yahoo: Nothing??? Yahoo fail
  12. "How Do I" Google: how do i love thee Yahoo: how do i love thee its a tie
  13. time for a new pc?
  14. lucky, my laptop can't run Zune and Chrome at the same time
  15. Are you using onboard sata?
  16. Ibotmodz will not be held responsible for spelling mistakes ()
  17. Quinn


  18. Quinn


    http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/zavagnqu/633929788400419770-callofduty4moewa.jpg (everything works better with photobucket)
  19. I wonder if it would beat my broadcom one that came with this laptop
  20. Isn't the beta supposed to be multiplayer only?
  21. 1. Yes, pretty much all I play are burnt games, online. 2. Hells yes!!! 3. I paid about $25 for a sata card, ohh and you need a PC to put it in 4. How about we find out what drive you have and we go from there 5. Jungleflasher.net If your desperate for help, ask yungbol, he knows everything --- And Dan, quite often onboard sata doesn't work
  22. I'ma surprised that it hasn't been taken down
  23. Don't be sad faiced, look at my scores (Win7) http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/zavagnqu/wei.jpg (It can't handle Chrome, MSN and the start menu at one time )
  24. Fake scores are fake. And yes it is possible, because Matty0 posted a tut on how to do it.
  25. Peaches got a free laptop networking card with his CPU, see if you can buy it off him cheap!
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