"I just" Google: I just call you mine lyrics Yahoo: I just died in your arms tonight Yahoo wins cause that song is teh first time I heard it was actually on GTA: Vice City. Pretty sexy song
1. Yes, pretty much all I play are burnt games, online. 2. Hells yes!!! 3. I paid about $25 for a sata card, ohh and you need a PC to put it in 4. How about we find out what drive you have and we go from there 5. Jungleflasher.net If your desperate for help, ask yungbol, he knows everything --- And Dan, quite often onboard sata doesn't work
Don't be sad faiced, look at my scores (Win7) http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/zavagnqu/wei.jpg (It can't handle Chrome, MSN and the start menu at one time )