RAM isn't gods answer to all the problems This lappy already has 2gb, the problem is the Single Core AMD Athlon, which can't keep up with the ram as it is. -- I don't go on live much anyway, so its not a huge problem with the 360. I am on the go a lot, but I still want a pc So my conclusion is that I think I will get an IPod from my brother (he has a collection...) and buy a new PC. -- @Test10, as much as I would love to have an I7 like you, I just can't afford it. I'll probably go with a Phenom II 965 BE Edit: Don't you dare edit my posts
So, I have some money to throw away, and I have narrowed down the choices to 3. They are: A new xbox. (Mine got hit in the banning wave) A new PC (I have my 1.6ghz laptop right now, which cannot run what I need it too) A Zune HD (or other comparable player) (My 4gb Zune was stolen from me) Let the flames roll
I believe they used an I7 (that, at least at the time) was double the price. Anyways, can we can put the AMD vs. Intel war away for now PowerPC tri core ftw!!! (lol the processor in the 360)
Intel boy much? No I won't tell you that an athlon will beat you core 2 quad, because athlons suck, trust me theres one in my current pc. Here we see the Phenom II and I7 giving very close performance (The Phenom even pulling ahead in some tests ): http://www.pureoverclock.com/review.php?id=794&page=5 But on the next page, we see that the I7 pulls ahead buy a couple of fps again, page after that, I7 is pulling ahead by a couple fps "With Call of Duty: World at War we see an interesting result: at stock speeds, each system is running virtually identical both in single and dual card configurations. However, when overclocked, the Phenom II pulls ahead, and most signficantly at higher resolutions where the gaps widens." (from the WaW tests) "H.A.W.X provides a different set of results yet again. At stock CPU speeds, the single card configuration yields almost identical results yet the Crossfire numbers clearly favour the i7 system. However, when overclocked, that gain is lost and the Phenom II catches up, resulting in virtually identical results." "Crysis: Warhead is particularly interesting, as the single card configuration results in essentially a tie both at stock and overclocked speeds. But when Crossfire is enabled, the Phenom II lags behind slightly by a couple frames per second." -- I rest my case that the I7 and Phenom II are very, very close in gaming performance, so another point is, why spend a lot on an Intel build instead of saving lots on an AMD build, especially when they are so close in gaming performance anyways? Plus, AMD systems are far easier to upgrade instead of intel *cough*cough* different socket for every processor *cough*cough* anyways, Phenom is the best value for those on a budget. -- Now as a precaution, I will say that I have no doubt that the I7 would do better in things that require loads of CPU, but personally, I personally would go with AMD anyways, mainly because I've never had a AMD break on me. On the other hand, about 6 Intels have died on me.