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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. my dad meant a lot to me to, i know how you feel
  2. anything with free ms points+.tk is fake.
  3. lolthat was awesome!
  4. your kidding right? lawl
  5. heh, its beacuse of the downloader manager being shut down, they auto-posted the downloads under the file submitters name to the correct forum edit: btw i had 32 at one point in the past few days without spamming
  6. I agree, the 3rd one looks like it would go well with the site.
  7. THE TWINS ARE ******* HILARIOUS!!! haha! sam tazed leo!!! that kept me laughing the whole time, OMG I WANNA **** MEGAN FOX!!!
  8. haha, look at the recent visitors
  9. use a better halo 3 odst render.
  10. None of them are active though,when i joined this site i was 10.
  11. who here is 30+?
  12. theres a copy of it on halo toybox.
  13. And whoever knew that time would advance so quickly that 6 year olds can run a large ass forum,
  14. haha yea your right! i just noticed that!
  15. The towel trick heats the console up to a dangerous level and is as likely to fry the rest of the components as fix anything. Considering how all current 360s are still under warranty for the RROD (unless you broke the warranty) there is no reason why someone should be trying this.
  16. doesnt look too bad... just the text should be farther to the right and white.
  17. haha, thats weird, anyway, look at whit i did to your views 0_o
  18. BLFS is oldest so far... XP
  19. I'm 13, let's find the oldest+youngest person on the site!
  20. Okay, is it xbox 360 profile tool
  21. REDSTAR 105


  22. maybe i should be admin... :p
  23. Thanks man, I may buy an account soon cuz I hate the limit. :@
  24. direct copy+paste from halo3planet >_<
  25. yungbol, that looks like a nice program, where is it in vip???
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